Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Just curious! Mat leave?

Just curious! What week were/will you be when you take mat leave? I'm only 34 weeks and crawling my way through until 36. Hating it as I'm just SO tired 😂


28 week midwife

I’m wondering how everyone’s baby is measuring at your 28 weeks appointment. 🥹❤️


High blood pressure

Hi Ladies, I went into triage on Monday as I wasn’t happy with babies movements. Anyway, he ended up being absolutely fine but I had extremely high blood pressure. It wouldn’t come down so they ended up having to control it with medication and I stayed in for observation. I’m 35+3 and they tested me for preeclampsia...



36 weeks and baby is still breech. OB is sending me to high risk to try and flip her and if not i'll be scheduled for a c-section. Any mamas have experience with their babies flipping on their own at this point? She said it sometimes happens but not very often. How anxious should I be right now😅 3rd baby and this…


Bilobed placenta

Has anyone had this? Looks like the biggest risks are extra bleeding and retaining part of the placenta after birth. I’m trying to do a homebirth but wondering about the risk of making sure all of the placenta is out afterward.


Glucose tolerance test 🤦🏼‍♀️

Anyone else thrown up after the drink ? I did today but didn’t tell anyone (silly I know) but I’m NOT doing that test again I was awake all night with worry. And I’ve had no sugar in my wee they’re purely just testing me because my mum’s diabetic. And I’ve got a high bmi tbf 😳🤣


Gender ❤️

Not finding out but just love guessing 🥰 What do we think?? I can’t tell if the nub is prominent enough!


Toddler and bump - worry

Any mums out there with a toddler and trying to protect their bump at the same time? It dosent matter what I do, but my toddler uses me as a climbing frame and I'm so worried they will hurt baby in tummy. Not my toddlers fault of course - they don't know any better and they just want mummy time. But still - I get wo...


Advice 🩷

Hey all! So I’m 29 weeks pregnant and sooo uncomfortable and restless, I feel so tight everywhere, breathing can be quite difficult also and it really makes me panic, whatever I do I can’t get comfy, I sit at work but feel like I need to walk and then as soon as I walk I need to sit again 😅 I’m tossing and turning…


Pregnancy rage

Does anyone else have really bad pregnancy rage at the moment? I’m 22+2 and I’m feeling SO irritable. Luckily my husband isn’t actually annoying me at all 😂 I honestly don’t want to leave the house because I’m just foreseeing people annoying me 😂😂


Gestational Diabetes Test

How long did it take for everyone to get their results? Did my test on Saturday and they did say Tuesday/Wednesday for the results but I’m just anxious waiting, nothing updated on the app yet and dreading if the phone rings tomorrow


Loss of appetite

I don’t know when this happened but ever since I got in my third trimester, I don’t like eating anymore! Send help!!


How many weeks are you all now

I’m currently 9 weeks 3 days how are you all now? Why does it feel so slow?



Haven’t had my period in 4 months (I have a 9m old baby) and I stopped breastfeeding when she was 4m. Doctor said period can take up to a year to regulate also asked if I was pregnant I said no (there was no doubt in my mind). I am not on the pill but me and my partner were barely doing it and now started using cond...


Expired Test Result

We’ve been TTC for almost 2 years. This box of tests expired in September, I didn’t realize it until I was waiting for the result. I think I see a faint line… do you see it? And should I get my hopes up since it’s expired?


What to expect

Hi there, when I had given birth I had a 3rd degree tear. I have the gynaecologist this week to check everything is okay. Im just a tad nervous. What should I expect


First trimester and toddler

Can anyone please tell me how they’re coping 😩😂


I am pregnant with my second baby

With my first baby I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia plus emergency cesarean section at 37 weeks of pregnancy, My baby is 19 months old. I am 10 weeks pregnant my doctor prescribed me aspirin to take at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Is there a risk if I don't take aspirin? Or if he takes, will he have any risk of being a...


Guesses? We find out Thursday!

Someone said they can't see the nub but I don't know if people have got other theories? It looks just like my little boy so I'm thinking boy.


White coat hypertension and induced?

So I’m 33 weeks and I went to my doctors appt this morning and my BP was 140/70. I have had a history of white coat hypertension (get super anxious at doctors offices) but they haven’t brought up my BP until today. It has always been over 130ish/70 the past couple of times when I’ve gone but when I take it at home i...


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