Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
NIPT is taking so long!!! Wonder why it takes so long. My results are estimated to take 2 weeks.
So I’m wondering if I’ll have GD(gestational diabetes) again this pregnancy. At 9 weeks my a1c was 6.2 considered prediabetic. I take my 1 hr glucose test this Saturday at 16 weeks. All the doctors have said it’s possible to have it again. What do you think? 🤔
How do you curb your anxiety in very early pregnancy when symptoms are not particularly prominent and seem to come and go? What reassures you that all is well?
Is anyone currently taking progesterone suppositories and noticed an increase in anxiousness in themselves? I feel absolutely awful every day with waves of anxiety which aren’t even pregnancy related😔😢
I got my kit last week and they said LapCorp doesn’t do it and to go to quest. I finally had the time to go to Quest to get that done but they said they don’t do the test. I’m just so confused on where I’m supposed to go and my doctor’s office is no help.
I took my 1 hour test at 27w4d and failed by 2 points. Due to work, unable to get off the following week to go in for the 3 hour test. Has anybody ever done or will be doing their glucose testing AFTER 28 weeks?? If so, do you mind telling your results. I am so nervous I won’t pass again. This is my first kid and I ...
Failed my 1 hr test and they had me do a 3hr that I did yesterday and just got the results back that I failed my 3hr… anyone else going thru this??? I’m 28 weeks pregnant today!
I’m having close monitoring with this pregnancy due to my first being very small. This pregnancy baby has jumped from 44th centile to 90th in 2 weeks.. they didn’t seem concerned but now I’m terrified of a big baby 🫣 anyone else in the same boat with advice?
5w3d pregnant with my second baby (first is 9 months old). Not sure if my anxiety is worse this time round than what it was with my first. Not to mention I do have postnatal anxiety etc after my first which might be making matters worse. Every symptom or sign I’m still googling it😬 I’m also still testing because I…
Hi I'm 41+1 today. Since about 2am I've been having very irregular, one and off period like pains with my braxton hicks. I've been having braxton hicks for months so I know when its switching up on me. Even during all these hours I'm like feeling pain with tightness sometimes and at slightly different intensity and...
Do you know where I could get the NIPT test done in Sheffield?
Does anyone know what any of this means please? I'm panicking and GP can take up 2 days to reply. Thanks
Late to the party, 18 weeks now so will find out soon but any guesses on what the gender could be? Curious to see if people’s guesses turn out to be right!
Anyone had a first negative test then been retested as positive? I have a second test tomorrow as glucose always in urine. First test at 28 weeks was negative. Now nearly 35 weeks… anyone similar?
I’ve been so chilled out this whole time, sure I want a vaginal birth with an epidural and felt pretty calm/confident about it. But the closer we get to January, the more I’m overthinking and now I’m suddenly super anxious about birth. It’s the uncertainty of when it will happen, if anything will go wrong, etc. and ...
New to testing
Does anyone that has done the glucose test recommend booking the full day off work or were the after effects not that bad?
So my notes say baby is not engaged but they didn't even check? And the pressure I'm feeling down there all of a sudden I beg to differ. I am only 33 weeks so not bothered that I'm not but just wondering why they would put I'm not when they didn't check.
Any ideas please? 🥰
Someone please tell me I’m being dramatic and over worried… I’m nearly 19 weeks pregnant and work in EYFs in a primary school. Hand foot and mouth is currently doing the rounds and I’m slightly nervous regarding this. Someone please tell me I’ll be fine? Apparently you can come in with it but also some say you’re ...