Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

constantly snacking

i’m 4 months PP and i feel like im constantly snacking/always hungry. i have been consistently gaining weight since i initially dropped weight after giving birth. im taking anxiety meds and i also got an iud, idk if those are factors? i have never had an appetite like this. i’m just not confident at all anymore 😭


antidepressants in pregnancy

im on paxil, seroquil, and klonopin i dont take the paxil daily but i an supposed to i dont take the seroquil daily but i am supposed to i dont take the klonopin daily and am not meant to im on lamictal too one google search has me shaking. is anyone else on these? it’s saying it can causa low birth weight, heart pr...



Doctor prescribed me some muscle relaxers during 2nd trimester I’m 34weeks and the pain I’m feeling in my back stomach and head and neck is unbareable so I took one I hope I’m still able to take them I havnt took any sense I can barely walk I’m hurting so bad


Nub theory - what do you recon?

Here’s our twins due February ‘25, their 12 week scan - you recon boys or girls?


Glucose results

I just failed my first glucose test. Has anyone failed their 1 hr glucose test but passed their second glucose test? If so what we’re your numbers each time?


Full term

Hit 37 weeks today and for some reason I am getting so anxious. I was in a shop earlier and thought jeez I could have my waters breaking right here, right now and that freaked me out. I just can’t imagine going through labour and having this baby, it just doesn’t feel real. I’m so anxious now all the time and fearin...


First time mum

Pregnant with my first baby! Super excited and nervous but can’t help worry all the time.. I’m very lucky and I’ve had barely any symptoms.. I’m 9+2 is anyone the same? :( I had an early scan at 7 weeks and everything was okay! But I worry so much that I don’t ’feel Pregnant’ which is panicking me!



Doctor said nipt would take 2 weeks to come back 😭 i did the sneek peak gender test at 8 weeks and it came back as girl and ive been waiting for this nipt forever has one anyone got their results yet? And how long did it take? Ultrasound pic at 10 weeks and 4 days just for funzies.


Braxton hicks

I am 33 weeks and omg the Braxton hicks feel like a whole new level, like I am getting them easily about 50+ times a day they keep coming and going. I am getting pressure down below, and my back is killing me. I honestly genuinely feel like crap. I don't remember any of this from my 1st pregnancy at all. I am sca...



Just curious how long it took everyone to get their NIPT results. I know it could take up to two weeks but just wanted to see what seems to be average. I took mine this past Monday so I’m hoping by the end of the new week I’ll get them.


GD test

I have my gestational diabetes test tomorrow morning, I can’t remember if I have to fast from 8pm or 10pm tonight. What time has everyone else had to fast from?


Getting out the house with a 2 week old

Hi all, I live in London so maybe adds to the nerves. I've not yet taken my 2 week old out. I've been out for short walks whilst my partner looked after him but he was born early and was quite small so didn't feel comfortable. I do feel quite anxious about taking him out still and the days also fly by. Did anyone el...


Weight Gain!

Just out of my first trimester and I have already gained 4 kilos. Mainly due to excessive hunger and eating carbs as felt nauseas specially on evenings. Not sure how to manage my weight and I have this constant struggle that is affecting my confidence. I do keep thinking that after baby I’ll start exercising bring i...


Hypertension or Anxiety?

Hey mamas I need your opinions please. I’m currently 14+5. When I went for my booking appointment last month, my midwife noticed that my blood pressure was reading slightly higher at 134/89. She took my readings a few more times and then decided that she’d do it at the end of the appointment just incase I needed...


Pram tester arrived this week

It went straight back in the box, due to pram testers fur 😂


Seizures in pregnancy

Only went shopping yesterday to get a few bits was absolutely fine getting to the supermarket next minute I'm on the floor having a seizure and at the same time I cracked my rib on the shopping basket, saw the A&E doctor and he said because I'm far on in my pregnancy it will have a slight affect on my pregnancy , wh...


Anyone here not get preeclampsia?

Curious. I just started taking baby aspirin per doctors request. Is it a for sure chance I’ll get it with twins? I’m hoping I get lucky and not have to deal with it 🤞🏼



Having the NST testing done Monday!! First time having it done im 35 weeks


Bad ob visit

I’m 30 week pregnant. I had my routine 2 week visit today with a NP. And let me tell you I’m LIVID. I have a severe allergy to general anesthesia. It’s an extremely rare allergy and I’ve had to fight with every anesthesiologist every surgery I’ve had since I was 2 (my parents and I) to get someone to finally believe...


Almost 35 weeks and this week has been challenging. On top of just being uncomfortably tight/stretched/feeling like no room for food when eating and that every move is uncomfortable I’m getting sick with sore throat/couch and not sleeping

Does it get more comfy? I honestly feel semi depressed and have 5 weeks to go plus anxiety settling in for the physical act of birth itself.


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