Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
Hey, we go on holiday in a couple months and wondered how it works when going through airport security with formula? Flying from UK Glasgow. We don’t use pre made, but what do people do? What can you take through? And what’s it like with pram for baby? Never seen it in person and these things make me anxious 😂…
I am currently 37 weeks pregnant with my second and i am in so much pain. For the past week my stomach has been tightening but it’s so painful at times i can’t move or talk. My back keeps getting stiff and i can’t move when it does this. Just wondering if all this pain is due to having a c section just over a year a...
I went into the assessment unit yesterday with reduced movements. Long story short baby is fine just possibly more tired than usual but they kept commenting about how low down he is and that he’s unside down and facing my back. I’m 35w and 1 day and they have moved my growth scan to Monday to double check as there’s...
I’ve had 2 growth scans now in the span of 2 weeks and have to go again in 2 weeks as she only gained about 10oz in the past 2 weeks. If she still doesn’t gain much more in the next 2 weeks I’m not sure what will happen? I’ll be 35 weeks at that point, anyone had any similar experiences and can tell me what I could ...
Has anyone moved their baby to the seat part of the buggy now rather than the bassinet?
Hello everyone! I had c section for my first baby and I’m due in May for second baby. Doc wants me to try for vaginal delivery for second baby. After having a smooth c section and recovery I’m terrified of vaginal birth now. It’s always the unknown that scares us lol but I’m imagining all the horrible things that ca...
Just after some advice, I am 8w4d and have been given both cyclizine and ondansetron for my vomiting, after ending up in hospital for fluids. They help with the vomiting, I’m just wondering if anyone has any tips to help with the nausea? It isn’t going anywhere and it’s getting me down😩
So I’ve decided I’m going to visit the gp as i’m 35, we’ve been trying for about 7-8 months & nothing. This is probably a silly question but what do I say?! To the receptionist to book an appointment & to the gp? What will they ask me? I’m nervous 😟
My LG (12w) has basically screamed for 3 days. Not crying or grizzling - screaming, red in the face, tears streaming, stiff as a board and making herself breathless. When she's awake she's screaming. Have wondered if it's constipation so given some laxatives but nothings happening. Struggling a bit this week just fe...
Hi everyone. I’m 6w1d with my second embryo transfer. Yesterday, I started bleeding/spotting pinkish red after a bm. It slowed down then turned brown. I’m still spotting brown when I use the bathroom today. My first ultrasound is Monday and I’m on bed rest until then. Has anyone had something similar happen? I’ve ha...
What did you do for your little ones first birthday? How many people did you invite?
Is it a good video to see the nub? More in the comments. 11w 6d ultrasound!
So Saturday the 15th I had red kinda brown spotting with a little bit of cramping that happened for about 4 days my period was due to come the 19th I’ve taken a few test they were negative I am now “16dpo” and haven’t no period I am extremely nausea I’m tired my boobs hurt I feel like I’m pregnant but i don’t know i...
I’ve just been feeling rough the past few days, been having cramps on and off, my tummy’s been feeling off and upset, feeling really tired and snappy anyone else been experiencing this?
I had a sweep today and am starting to get regular contraction, if these contractions die off I’m getting induced on Monday anyway. Can everyone give me a list of things to make sure are done before 🤣 this is what I’ve got so far and my mind is blank
Is it normal to have blood in urine at 28 weeks pregnant for a week straight?
19 weeks pregnant with baby girl, still don’t feel like my bumps popped yet 😂
I will contact the GP on Monday but I was wondering if someone else had an experience with this. First time mum here 😭 I have noticed some fluid at the crown of my 2 months old head. The fluid appears to move around when I gently press on his head and seems to be located between the scalp and the skull. My baby…
Had my 32-week growth scan today they said everything is looking good and measuring right and look good but as soon as she said she is estimated to be around 3lbs 10oz on the ultrasound I know that's an estimate but still nervous about having a really small baby at birth just have to see how much as changed when the...
Hi girls, I have had egg collection on the 12/02 and had a withdrawal bleeding on the 17/02. I had mild to moderates OHSS symptoms but luckily I’m back to normal now, just a slightly bloated belly but everythin back to normal . When did you have your normal period after the withdrawal bleed? Does it usually comes ...