Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Low Papp-A - advice please??

Hello! I had my NHS scan and they told me that I have low Papp-A I think it’s about 0.3 and they have told me I have an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities but still not high risk. Has anyone had this? Trying to find info online but it’s making me feel worse! Any help is appreciated TIA🫶🏼


2 scans in 10 days

hi everyone. i had my last scan on the 4th. and then i’ve booked a 4D scan for the 14th as this is the first time i’ve had any time to have the scan due to constant scans every 2 weeks with the NHS. this will make it 10 days between scans and not 14 as recommended. however, if i can’t do it on friday i wont be abl...


9 wk scan!

Yesterday I had the most incredible scan ! I wasn’t expecting to see much with only being 9wks2days but look !! I’m in love. Do you get a boy or a girl vibe ? ❤️❤️❤️


Gender scans

Has anyone had a private gender scan after 20 weeks? I've had my 20 week scan this morning but baby was in an awkward position, facing towards my back so we couldn't see much apart from what needed checking/measuring. We had decided we wanted to know the gender this time round, so am thinking my only option may be ...


When does midwife listen to baby’s heartbeat

Hi, My midwife listened to baby’s heartbeat for the first time at my 25 week appointment which I thought was standard but she didn’t listen to it at my 28 week one. Are they supposed to listen to it regularly now or was that just it? I’ve got my 31 week appointment coming up soon so was wondering whether to ask/ wh...


Small fundal height

Midwife has requested a scan as the fundal height hasn't changed since my last appointment a week and a half ago. I've had one growth scan previously due to measuring smaller than expected compared to my previous measurements. Last growth scan baby seems to be tracking along similar to my 20 week scan in terms of pe...



So I went to my appointment (29+1) and told them about decreased movement. They did an ultrasound and fluid level is good and her heart is strong but she literally did not move a muscle. Doing a follow up with MFM. Did anyone have this happen and it be okay or did it turn out to be anything?


Growth scan

My dr wants me to get a growth scan between 34-36 week. Which week would you rather schedule it for ?



heyyy! if i post a picture of my 12 week scan would people be able to guess the gender and help me out please, obviously i know its not going to be 100% accurate but im just so desperate to find out the gender!😊



I have a smear tomorrow morning first thing, I have nobody to watch my youngest (9 months old) will they turn me away with him?


Growth Scan

Anyone have a growth scan early? I had mine at 31 weeks and I hate that I won’t have another ultrasound to make sure everything is still going ok growth wise now that I’m 37 weeks.


Finally got my gender results!!! Any guesses?

This was my baby the day I got the tests done, any final guesses on babies gender?


20 week scan, big head

I had my 20 week scan the other day, I was shown that he was growing in line with the chart but his head is bigger than average. They weren’t concerned but surely a noticeably big head at this gestation isn’t good?



Did anyone had chest xray in their first trimester? Doctor knew that I was 10 weeks pregnant and the radiologist did cover my abdomen with apron and they only did for neck.


2nd anomaly scan - 20 weeks scan couldn’t be completed due to baby’s position

Could I just check how you were contacted to arrange your 2nd anomaly scan (if you had one)? My fiancé and I are away all next week and the sonographer seemed to think that we would be contacted this week for our scan but heard nothing so far? I don’t have a regular midwife and don’t get replies from the numbers I h...


Girl potty shot?

Is this definitely a girl🙈 early scan at 18 weeks 1 day at window to the womb


Fell at 17 weeks

So I got light headed while walking over a baby gate in my house and fell into a wooden chair I have for my son, I’m not bleeding or anything just mild cramps and still a little light headed. I see my obgyn tomorrow and I get hand held ultrasound everytime to check viability since I have high blood pressure. Should ...


Bleeding after transvaginal scan

So I’ve been in for an early pregnancy scan as I had cramping and spotting very early on (stopped after a week) and just wanted to be sure. The scan came back all good, as expected, but I bled after when I got home. I did a transvaginal ultrasound, could that have been the cause of a little bleeding?don’t really wan...


First appointment

I won’t have my first ultrasound until 10 weeks! I don’t know if I can wait that long 🙈😂. When do/did you have your first ultrasound?


Reassurance scan after a successful pregnancy

I got a positive test last week, I tested too early got a negative and a few days later a positive and I made it to 5 weeks now. I experienced 3 early miscarriages before I had my baby and I wonder if I can request an early scan this time for reassurance. I keep thinking I can’t be that lucky, it was our first try f...


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