Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Reassurance scan after a successful pregnancy

I got a positive test last week, I tested too early got a negative and a few days later a positive and I made it to 5 weeks now. I experienced 3 early miscarriages before I had my baby and I wonder if I can request an early scan this time for reassurance. I keep thinking I can’t be that lucky, it was our first try f...


Private Gender Scan

So I’ll be 15 weeks exactly this Friday and we want to do a private gender scan at Window To The Womb. I’m not sure whether to wait another week to give longer for development, or is it pointless waiting as they say from 15 weeks for a reason? Any experiences would be great!


Baby heartbeat

I just had my app and my doctor could hardly hear the baby’s heartbeat it was faint is that normal? I’m 18 weeks pregnant.



I had a scan at EGU today as I’ve had spotting since last week. The person who scanned me asked if I took any ovulation meds to get pregnant which I haven’t. Then proceeded to say it could’ve been twins. This has sent me into panic mode picturing caring for twins with my 2.5 year old. She said shes not saying I have...


Scan this week

Really nervous! I hope everything is OK 🥺


Big baby

I’m currently 37weeks +4 and went for a growth scan and the baby’s looking around 7.16lbs 😅 first baby was 7.6lbs at 40 weeks! Anyone told their baby’s were big but they actually turnt out smaller 😂


12 week scan

What are the thoughts about the gender? 🩵🩷 Trying to follow the nub theory but I don’t think I can tell 😝


Any guesses please anyone.

13w today scanned. Any guessing on gender please. (Not sure why it says anomaly scan at the side) Anyone familiar with this at the earlier scan?


Any gender guesses? 12+6

Had my scan today and would love to know if anyone has any guesses for the gender? ✨✨✨


Baby’s weight at 20 weeks scan

Has anyone been told baby’s estimated weight? I am guessing baby’s est weight at birth? Went for my 20 week scan yesterday and the sonographer said the baby’s estimated weight is 4.6 I was so busy looking at the baby I forgot to ask what she meant but it stuck in my head. So what do you think it is?


12w scan - boy or girl? 💙🩷

How do people guess boy or girl so early on?! 😂 Planning on booking a gender scan after 16w, super excited to find out! Due date 17th August 🥰


Anyone not had any early scans? Waiting for 12 weeks

How do we feel (ones who are waiting)🩷 I’m quite nervous as I haven’t seen what’s been going on inside. With my daughter I had a private scan at 9 weeks however waiting this time!



Had a private scan at 9 weeks. Got my letter for my 12 week on the 26th feb. Is anyone booking a scan in between or are you waiting?


At home fetal doppler

Are there any moms that use a fetal Doppler (daily) to listen to their baby? I’m 12 weeks and I love listening to my baby, but Google says you shouldn’t be using it daily. I don’t understand why it would be harmful, but many moms say that’s incorrect. Obviously I don’t want to do anything that I shouldn’t be doing. ...


Not got appointment yet.

I am past 10 weeks now and still haven’t received any midwife appointments. I chased up but they said you’ll get it soon and that apparently they’re too busy. I have the scan appointment in 2 weeks which is the 12 week scan. Just wondering if it is ok not being called in for check up still? Ps. Im in Hertfordshire


Ultrasound picture:

Are yall sick of seeing the ultrasound pics like “what gender do you think”?


Breach baby

I went to my 28week scan today and they've told me baby is bottom downways and breach , they will check at my next appointment which is in a few weeks if he still is breach if not they will have to do something to try turn him in not sure what's it called I've forgot my memory is so bad at the moment😂😂but it 50%…


Any gender guesses? 💙🩷

Planning to have an early gender scan as we’re desperate to know 🥹🫶🏼


First ultrasound?

How do people get ultrasounds so early. I understand if you have had complications before or are doing IVF but my first appointment isn’t until 10 weeks 3 days and that’s not even an ultrasound. I have to schedule one after that appointment. It seems like everyone these days gets it way sooner than that


High heart rate?

Went in for my 12 week sono today and babies heart rate was 186. This seems high to me but the doctor wasn't concerned. Should I be worried?


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