Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
Hey ladies, I had a private 4D scan today which for the most part was lovely although little girl kept shoving her face into my placenta 😂 the sonographer said her femur length is on the 5.8% percentile (head on 16th, AC on 40th) and that they’ll need to keep an eye on that but again I find myself frustrated at…
Girls how do you shake the feeling before every scan or appointment that somethings going to be wrong?? First scan was worried they were going to tell me something was wrong. Heartbeat appointment was worried they wouldn't find it. 20 week scan is on Monday and I'm absolutely terrified of finding out something isn...
Growth scan.
Hello everyone. Hope you are well. I had a growth scan today as my baby was measuring on the 90th percentile, albeit consistently. I am 36 w +1 day. Growth scan estimated current weight is 7pound 13, which is a LGA. I have previously been screened for GD and got a very low result ( 4wk 4 days ago). Sonographer h...
Had a private scan today (17+6) what do we think boy or girl? I find out on Friday!
So after me posting yesterday about them cancelling my 20week scan and rebooting for Thursday I got a cancellation for today. I've left holding tears back . The whole day as gone bad to worse. They've lost my prescription for the inhexia tummy injections so I had to see another docter to get more I have my scan an...
Anyone had bleeding couple hours after a transvaginal scan. Everything was good on scan 5 weeks 5 days with a heartbeat but started bleeding a little.
Assuming they're not dealing with any urgent work.
My 12 week scan has been booked in with a newly qualified sonographer, I would rather I didn’t know if it was a newly qualified one or not! Now I’m panicking they won’t pick everything! Apparently I can request a second opinion after the scan
i have been told different by a few different professionals on how many weeks i am does anyone know how far this scan looks possibly please
Does anyone know how to get the baby moving when I go for a scan I’ve been for 3 so far and not once has this baby decided to move or show there face I’ve tried drinking coke and having a chocolate bar 15 mins before but still not moving I’ve got my gender scan tomorrow and just want to see 😂
Boy or girl 🩷🩵 13 weeks scan then i have my 20 week scan coming in less than 3 weeks
12 week scan , Girl or boy , what do you think ? Xx
Finally hit 37 weeks had a growth scan yesterday and baby is weighing a lovely 6lb 10 so mission get this baby gradually starts today 🤣 (I know baby will come when he’s ready etc etc but I need this pregnancy over it’s been hell)
I am 37+2 today and I’ve had a call asking me to go for a growth scan as I am measuring 35weeks still and baby hasn’t grown? What do you think I should expect?
Had my 20 week scan yesterday and decided not to find out the gender but it’s killing me already🤣 has anyone not found out the gender and was it worth the suprise?
Got my 20 week scan today! Excited and nervous at the same time! Just wondering do they do bloods or is it just the scan? Bit needle phobic!
Hiii So I have a scan appointment tomorrow at RAH Paisley and there will be no one at home to leave my toddler with. Is there any chance they will allow me to bring my child with me to the appointment? Anyone had any any similar experience at Royal Alexandra Hospital
Did anyone had the 12 week scan at the Harris birthright? How was it? How was the combined test? I heard that you get the results while you are there, same day.
Had a regular checkup appt today (33 weeks) after my 32 week ultrasound. She said I won't have any more ultrasounds unless baby seems to be measuring too big or small. I'm a little disappointed, as I'm pretty sure I had at least one more when we got close even with my second, but I guess that's good news overall. I ...