Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Baby Bump

Anyone here showing a baby bump at 11 weeks? I don’t know if I’m just bloated, but my tummy seems really round. Is it normal to have a bump this early?


Constant tightening

I woke up this morning feeling positively exhausted. I’ve been having constant painless tightening in my abdomen—honestly it’s hard for me to tell if it’s baby moving or tightening but it definitely has a warm, pulling sensations. I’ve probably had 8 quick pulls in the past 10 minutes or so. Is this normal???


Cramps and contractions everyday 😭

I’m 34 weeks tomorrow. I have been cramping and having contractions for the past week. They ease up sometimes but will have hours where I can’t do anything. My belly gets hard during them but I’m very crampy all the time. My ob knocks it to Braxton hicks when I mention anything and kinda shrugs all my concerns off. ...


Hard stomach when stood up

I have been getting quite a few braxton hicks, but 90% of the time I'm stood up my stomach is solid.. Anyone else? (37+4 FTM)


Morning sickness returning

Anyone else had morning sickness return? I was diagnosed with HG in my first pregnancy and that settled at 16 weeks and completely went by 24 weeks and then diagnosed with this pregnancy at 11 weeks. It settled again at week 16 but i’m 18+6 today and yesterday and today its been awful. Just constant nausea and being...


Excessive thirst in middle of the night

Heyy mamas-to-be. Are any of you all experiencing extreme thirst in the middle of the night? During the day I drink at least 80 ounces of water. But when I wake up in the middle of the night, I am extremely thirsty and if I gulp down too much water (like 8+ ounces) at a time I get nauseous. With frequent bathroom tr...


Baby rolling

My boy will be 5 months tomorrow, and over the past week has rolled back to front a few times. He still seems to be pretty shocked when he does it though 😂 however he’s not rolled front to back, and today got really distressed at being ‘stuck’ on his front (it all happened in the time it took for me to take the dog…



I’m 38+1 with my second baby. This morning I’ve woke up and I’ve got dull period like pains really low, I can feel baby is super low as well. I’ve got really bad backache, feel really nauseous and also feel very hot. I was induced with my first so not really sure what spontaneous labour feels like. I have a midwife...


Reduced movement

Has anybody experienced a reduction in movement at 40 weeks? I’m 39+6 and have been used to my baby being very active in pregnancy. For the last couple of days though, her movement has slowed right down. Not sure if it is because she has dropped so low down and I’m not noticing the movement so much (now she’s no lon...


October 2022 babies, do they jump yet?

I think I'm having trouble teaching her, everything says 16-18 months is when they start but she just doesn't seem to understand, she has fun trying to but just can't. I have her watch me and then I help her, I've tried a bunch of different ways with the help of YouTube videos, she watches with me and gets excited t...


Cramps after sex

Has anyone else experienced slight cramping after sex? It’s around where I feel round ligament pain, just haven’t experienced this until now. It didn’t last long and wasn’t too painful, just ever so slightly crampy and despite knowing it’s safe to have sex when pregnant it freaked me out a bit!


Has my belly dropped?

I’ve had a very high bump throughout my pregnancy. But this morning the belly seems somewhat lower? Is this the ‘belly dropping’ or am I delusional. 😅


Yes or no

Still taking this as a negative but I’ve been having weird dreams heartburn nausea. I’ve been pregnant before I have a baby. I have that growing uterus feeling idk how to describe it pressure? Thought I would test. I swear there’s a faint line? I’m only 6dpo


35 weeks and cramping

I’m 35 weeks today and starting to get pretty painful cramps in my hips and back all day today. They are not consistent, come/go quickly and are pretty sharp / have been happening on and off for most of the day Also baby is moving a lot Should I be concerned?



So I’m 6 months pp and seem to keep getting recurring infections down there.. thrush, water infection and seems like another now. Is this normal/anyone else had this?



I just recently found out that I have Gallstones. Went to a Dr but he recommend getting my gallbladder taken out. Anything that has to do with surgery scares me. Can you guys help me out with any advice you have done anything such as a flush, medicines, homeopathy or got your gallbladder removed? Thank you


Heavy Implantation 20DPO

Hi, I’m 36yo. My LMP was on Jan. 15 and I am currently 5 &1D preggy. Last night around 8pm i noticed brown discharge and I said maybe it’s normal. Then around 12am it got heavy. I went to the hospital and gave me some meds. I did TVS just earlier but no sac yet. They said it might be 2 early. My OB said the bleeding...


Baby Bumps!

Let’s see everyone’s bump! I’m currently 30+3. Original due date was April 28th but getting induced on April 7th!


This baby boy moving crazy

So to preface, this is my second pregnancy. My daughter is 2.5 right now. So it’s been a while since I’ve been pregnant. But I don’t remember feeling all these kicks/movements being this strong at 22 weeks. Like right now I felt some sorta movement in my lower belly to my upper. I don’t know if it’s just because of ...


24 weeks

Is it normal for my baby to be kicking my vagina? Just gone 24 weeks 1 day


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