Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
Does this look like my baby is teething?
What potty training tips and tricks are actually helpful? We’ve continued to struggle with making it in time and I’m getting overwhelmed that it’s not working yet.
My son keeps peeing on himself I’m so so fed up Please what can I do to get him to learn how to use the toilet I’ve tried stickers Ma Rachel Kindness Shouting I don’t know anymore
How is everyone cleaning up their toddler after a poop explosion. Firstly, is your child being potty trained, does he/ she know when they need to poop or pee? If they still in diaper, how do you clean up their poop. My daughter has some stubborn poop that gets stuck to her butt, so I either take her straight to ...
My LO is 7.5 months and no teeth through yet but seems like he's been teething forever! and I keep trying to check and look at his gums but he prizes his lips shut and/or sticks his tongue out so it's near impossible to ever get a good look at his gums. Any tips and tricks to get a peak at their teeth?!🥴
Did anyone experience severe rash on cheeks due to teething? No other symptoms than extreme drooling
My daughter turned 3 in the middle of this month, is it still normal for them to be pooping in their pants. I know it's a hard thing and she is quite small bless her.
Anyone else really struggling with wetting themselves/ runny discharge🙃 my underwear is constantly wet and it’s driving me insane, I’m using panty liners but there’s just no point because I’m changing them what feels like every minute of the day and night 😅 I could go for a wee and when I stand up I’ve trickled…
Any good suggestions??
My 4 month old has been up every hour, she’s definitely showing signs of teething but how do I know for sure in order to treat it accordingly? & What’s best to help at this age?
She’s ready she sits and waits but can’t go what can I do to help I’ll tell her to push I’ll give her water and toys and she lets me know when she has to poop but she won’t actually go she waits till she has her pull up on any recommendations
Have been trying to toilet train my almost 3 year old for 5 days but she has a meltdown when putting her on the potty or toilet, and now she won’t wee in her nappy.. to the point where’s she crying and holding her private parts. I’m super worried, what should I do? Any advice?
I have a 3 year old girl who still struggles to tell me potty urges and she’s still wet at night . She technically is fully potty training but the cues aren’t always there Exspecially when I am in the middle of something . Any advice ?
My 1 year old daughter is growing her 1st year molars and she's not eating near as much as she had should I be worried about it???
Hi all, My Daughter is 2, non verbal and potentially Autistic (on waiting list for assessment) - I wasn't in a rush to Potty train her as I know with Autistic kids it can take so much longer and I really don't think she would understand but she's quite a big 2yr old and lately no matter what nappy I put on her she ...
Help my little girl is 3 and 3 months she been constipated since birth . We trying to potty training her but it's been so difficult. Any tips
I got a very farty 3 yo. Dr is not concerned. I wonder at what age can you teach them to go to the toilet and seek privacy to let them go. I don't want to make them feel ashamed or that they have to keep them no matter what.
Whats the best teething gel? My LO has been drooling like never before, extreme pain, some blood on the bedsheet probably because she keeps biting on her teeth. For the last 2 nights ive been giving her calpol but didnt seem to help last night I gave her ibuprofen and it did help alot
Currently potty training my daughter who’s two, and I’m super grossed out about public bathrooms but I know she’ll have to use them when we’re out. What do you do to let them use the bathroom without touching the seat? I know you can lay toilet paper on the seat but that never worked for my son and would always slid...
My 4yr old is almost fully potty trained, it’s the night time where she is struggling. We stop letting her have water 1 hour before bed time which is at 7, and I wake her up at 9 to go potty. Then again at 11 but she still wakes up wet…