Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
This is NOT going well. My son doesn’t want to sit on a potty and we don’t want to force him. He completely doesn’t care about stickers. He used to sit every now and then and had a few successes but lately he just doesn’t want to go anywhere near it now:( Anyone has any tips?
Any tips for helping my 3 year old be able to wipe her own bum? Obviously I do help, but her little arms can’t even reach around at the moment so I’m not sure how she can even try herself yet 😅
Hi everyone, my little boy still isn’t potty trained and also is refusing to sit on the potty.. Back in September we tried putting him in pants and no nappy. He was doing ok but after 3 weeks he was still wetting himself 90% of the time.. I don’t know what to do, he’s just outright refusing. I don’t know whether...
I’m trying to start potty training my 16 month old. She went once after sitting on it for like 15 minutes but every time I try to put her back on the little potty she cries. How can I make it fun for her?
I honestly feel like we’ve been ‘teething’ for months 🙃 her cheeks are really red and warm. She’s not got a temperature and is not ill. They’ve been like this for a few days.
Has anyone else’s baby started teething? Mine has but his older brother brought home a cold that I’m pretty sure he got. I took him to a pediatrician in the office I go to because his pediatrician is on vacation and she dismissed my concerns that he has a cold and told me he is just teething. I don’t think that’s wh...
For those who have already potty trained, how did you know they were ready?? We are thinking of potty training my 20 mo. old since I feel like she’s been showing some signs for a while.. The biggest sign is that when she sees me go to the bathroom, she will look down at her diaper and make herself pee. Also when she...
How do you get your kids to understand that is they want to go to school they have to stop peeing and 💩ing there pants.
When should we potty train? I’m conflicted :/ she’s showing signs of starting to be ready but I’m not sure yet. She hates having a nappy on she takes it off as she’s done anything (even if she wasn’t finished 🤦♀️) and runs about without but there isn’t really any signs she’s about to go I’m 18 weeks pregnant…
Has anyone else found their babies are teething from such a young age? My baby is 6 weeks old and it’s definitely his gums that are bothering him! He just manages to fall asleep then wakes up again crying with the pain it’s awful😩 Is there anything at all that we can give them to help or anything we can do?
Are we sterilising our teething toys or just washing them? My LB constantly chews on his hands or my hands and they’re clean but they wouldn’t be sterile just with soap and water He also chews on his sleeves or on a muslin which aren’t going to be completely sterile His dad’s a farmer and we have does in the house...
How do I get my daughter to wanna start I try but she freaks out when I put on her potty n I’ve tried going with her so she don’t . I don’t know what else to do
My boy is 9.5 months with 7 teeth, and he's always has a rough time with it. It feels like it takes forever for a tooth to come in, and he seems to be in pain for a week beforehand, at least. It also disrupts his sleep, where he can sometimes wake up every hour at night, crying. He goes back to sleep quickly, but it...
My LG only has 4 teeth so don’t have much experience with teething still. She was awake around 4am gagging and retching but just kept bringing up clear liquid and my partner has messaged to say she’s just done it again. Checked her gums and we can feel 2 teeth on both sides coming through so wondering if this is a n...
Why does my toddler keep saying her butt hurts? I ask her if she needs to poop and she says no.
Any tips to help little ones when teething. My lo has a high temp and a runny bum mot eating much. I'm giving calpol and nurophen when he takes it and offering more milk but his cheeks are so red and he's up nearly every 2 hrs at night . Temp has reached 39
So my baby has 2 teeth at the bottom and 4 teeth cutting at the top .. but I’m not sure if the order they’re coming in is weird. Her bottom ones came through first and then her front top one, but then the lateral incisor started to cut before the central one. The other central and incisor are also cutting now but th...
Hello Can anyone advise what this may be in the corner of my little boys mouth? It’s really bothering him and It’s putting him off eating! Thank you
My 10mo has 8 teeth and I’ve only recently realised I should be brushing them with toothpaste already, I do them in the morning and again at night but wondering when is best for the night time? I saw a video saying it should be after their last bottle which makes sense so the milk isn’t sitting on their teeth all ni...
I need your help 🙏🙏 I got a gas cooker where you have to push the botton for the gas to come out. Im a single mum with an open kitchen (so cant fit a safety gate) and my 1 year old is almost obsessed with pushing these buttons.. obviously i know its dangerous and tell her off, distract her, i tried everything!…