Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Help with pullups/diaper transition?!

Our little guy is only 1.9 years old and not quite ready for potty training.. He has outgrown diapers, for the most part (barely holding on to a size 6 lol) and pull-ups don't hold everything in at night, so he wakes up saturated, and sometimes the poop can't be contained. We bought a pack of diapers for night ti...


Public toilet phobia

Not my little one…but me! I know this is going to sound strange, but we’ve had a busy few months & my little girl has started using the toilet at nursery and is asking to go at home, at nanny’s house and in public now, so I’m thinking about starting the toilet training in the new year. But every time we are in pu...


Anyone else’s almost 4 month old super fussy lately?

She’s sleeping fine but gooood I can barely put her down she’s crying so much! She chews on everything but there’s no visible signs of teething so idk what else it is?? She’s not gassy, not spitting up more than normal. I’m so lost, poor baby


Potty training issues

For the past month we have been trying to potty train, when he is naked from his lower half he’s pretty good at saying he needs the toilet or using the potty (a few accidents) but when he needs a poo he will just do it on the floor🙈! He refuses to actually sit on the toilet/potty at all for a poo and I need some…


Potty training - no nappies at night

When do we know when to do this? My daughter potty is trained in the day although still a little scared of poos. We still wear nappy in car seat (always dry) and sleeping (dry most of the time).



My baby is almost 6 months old, we think she may be teething. She has been having diarrhea, more fussy than normal, and struggling to go to sleep at night the last couple nights. Is it normal for her to be eating significantly less formula than she usually does? For example, she typically will eat 5-7oz 5x a day wit...


Potty training out and about

So my little girl is potty training, at home doesn’t have any accidents goes straight on her potty I’m just struggling out and about as she can’t go in her nappy she holds it and no where has toilets. Is a “carry potty” worth it if so how are we doing this just then and there we were out all day today and she used t...


Red nose when teething

Anyone else’s baby get a little red nose when in prime teething as well as cheeks?


Teething question..

Hello, This may seem silly and I know all babes are different. However, what are your experiences of teething? My little boy whose almost 7 months now has a tooth coming. He bit on my finger the other day and I felt this very sharp “thing”. Realising it was the tooth. When can I expect to see the rest of it? Probab...



What do you think? I can’t tell.her cheeks are a little rosey


Potty training advice

Hi, im trying to potty train my 26 month old bur she is terrified of the toilet, everything we get her to sit on it she will start screaming



I think my little boy is teething. He’s been trying to bite his hands, drooling, seems more unsettled and his sleep is horrible right now. Just checked him mouth and it definitely feels like the two bottom teeth are trying to cut through. Anyone else going through this? Any recommendations?


Advice on pants/potty training

So my son has been going on his potty for weeks we haven't established yet that he needs to tell us when he needs the toilet when we go out so still uses a nappy. He also refuses to wear pants he just takes them off but I really can't have him running around half naked all the time 😂 do I just be persistent or try…


Potty training - whose planning to train?

I'm keeping an eye out for signs from my boy. Have you got a plan of what you'll be doing?


My 16 month old suddenly likes dummies?

My 16 month old girl never took to dummies as a baby - AT ALL. Hated them. Now all of a sudden she's likes them, when she finds the one random one she has, she uses it. Just curious if this has happened to anyone else? Should I let her keep using it or stop it before it becomes a real habit? Thank you!


NHS dentists

I hate to admit this as it's quite embarrassing but I haven't been to the dentist for about 9 years. I haven't been able to get an nhs dentist since our practice changed hands. Obviously I'm in need of a checkup and probably treatment of some sort already but I gave birth 4 weeks ago and definitely feel like I need ...


Pup peeing on our floors

I have a 7 month old French Bulldog who is such a good listener. We got her when I was pregnant so I was home with her everyday & trained her really well. After 1 week of being home she was able to sit, shake, high 5, go to bed & she was toilet trained very quickly. She was roughly 4 months old when I gave birth. ...


Not baby related… but does anybody have any idea what I’ve been bitten by?

I was bitten by something three days ago in my sleep. It’s gotten worse over the last few days, I don’t know if I should go drs or not?


Dog peeing in the house

My 3 year old cavapoo is still peeing indoors in the kitchen, in the exact same spot. But only when we have left the house. I'm definitely suspecting it's tied to the pregnancy... as we've been here in this house for a while. Anyone have any solutions? We've tried retraining him, and tried doing enzyme sprays etc.


Potty training 😩

This is NOT going well. My son doesn’t want to sit on a potty and we don’t want to force him. He completely doesn’t care about stickers. He used to sit every now and then and had a few successes but lately he just doesn’t want to go anywhere near it now:( Anyone has any tips?


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