Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

6 teeth before 9 months

So my baby has 2 teeth at the bottom and 4 teeth cutting at the top .. but I’m not sure if the order they’re coming in is weird. Her bottom ones came through first and then her front top one, but then the lateral incisor started to cut before the central one. The other central and incisor are also cutting now but th...


Any advice

Hello Can anyone advise what this may be in the corner of my little boys mouth? It’s really bothering him and It’s putting him off eating! Thank you


When do you brush your baby’s teeth?

My 10mo has 8 teeth and I’ve only recently realised I should be brushing them with toothpaste already, I do them in the morning and again at night but wondering when is best for the night time? I saw a video saying it should be after their last bottle which makes sense so the milk isn’t sitting on their teeth all ni...


Gas cooker

I need your help 🙏🙏 I got a gas cooker where you have to push the botton for the gas to come out. Im a single mum with an open kitchen (so cant fit a safety gate) and my 1 year old is almost obsessed with pushing these buttons.. obviously i know its dangerous and tell her off, distract her, i tried everything!…


Potty training

I need to start potty training but my brain is fried but how and where you should even start? Any advice on the best way to encourage her to use the potty??


Diaper size

My daughter is almost six months old and in a size five diaper. To my knowledge diapers only go to size six and then it transitions to training pants for potty training. Is there another option? Because so far her diaper sizes have corresponded with her age in month and she clearly won’t be ready to potty training ...



When do babies start teething? I’m a ftm so idk the signs to it


Help - which ones are coming through?

Think my bubba is teething baddd, he showed signs from 3M and he’s now 4 months.. looks like multiple?? Which ones will come through first? Have any erupted? How long will the pain last? He seems to be shoving his fingers both on the right and side sides of his mouth.


Potty training - regression?

So our little one has been kinda potty trained since August, for a few months he seemed to be doing well with the occasional accident one a week or so. But recently he seems to have 2 or 3 accidents a day. I just can't figure out why, it's so random sometimes while play. Others he knows he wants a wee but just doesn...


Any experience with toddler tooth extraction?

My sweet 2.5 year old tripped on pavement last night during a walk. He was running just ahead of me and lost his footing. He didn’t seem to have any bleeding when we checked him, just a small scrape on his chin. This morning though I noticed a very obvious vertical crack right down his front tooth. He seems to be do...


Potty training time

At what point did you mommas start the potty training process? I plan on slowly easing into the transition slowly just so my lo can get the jist of it



Can anyone with teething experience tell me if the white bits look like teeth? The red is a birth mark so ignore that!


Potty training!..

Sounds way too soon I know!🙃😂 but hear me out! My little girl is 15 month old and for the past week at least every time she is going for a wee she’s stopping and holding her nappy and saying ‘wee uhoh’ and then carry on about her day 😂 the same when she has a poo, she stops and holds her nappy, tells me what she’s…



Are these teeth? Didn’t notice swollen gums but my 3m2w old baby is drooling like crazy and is fussy way more.


Playing in diaper

My 2 year old is constantly playing in his diaper. It has gotten to be such an issue because he does it with poop and just plays with the poop. I’m 8 weeks postpartum and dealing with PPD. I mentally just can’t handle this. We started only letting him wear pant/long sleeve onesies/zippies but he will stretch the clo...


Teething medicine?

Hi mommies, my lo is going to have his 3rd tooth soon… i know it’s crazy… the problem is, he cries so much for this one. What do you guys do when your lo is in teeth pain? 🫠


Acting out

I would love to know y’all’s opinions on what i should do when my son starts freaking out and throwing stuff my son is 2 and he hates getting in his car seat, hair cuts, getting his diaper changed i don’t know why he just freaks the hell out I’ve tried to start potty training him because he kicks and screams when i ...


Is my baby teething?

My baby is constantly shoving her hands and clothes and toys in her mouth and is crying a lot more than usual. I think her teeth are starting to come but my partners not convinced. Opinions???


Potty training

Anyone still struggling to potty training after months of trying, been doing this since summer but regressed so started again in October it’s been 50/50 but my daughter still doesn’t say when she needs to go so I have to be on it and put a timer every hour but struggles with poo’s and ending having to put pants in b...


Is your toddler fully potty trained

June 2022 mommies is your toddler fully potty trained? If so, please share your strategies. No judgment here.


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