Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Teething medicine?

Hi mommies, my lo is going to have his 3rd tooth soon… i know it’s crazy… the problem is, he cries so much for this one. What do you guys do when your lo is in teeth pain? 🫠


Acting out

I would love to know y’all’s opinions on what i should do when my son starts freaking out and throwing stuff my son is 2 and he hates getting in his car seat, hair cuts, getting his diaper changed i don’t know why he just freaks the hell out I’ve tried to start potty training him because he kicks and screams when i ...


Is my baby teething?

My baby is constantly shoving her hands and clothes and toys in her mouth and is crying a lot more than usual. I think her teeth are starting to come but my partners not convinced. Opinions???


Potty training

Anyone still struggling to potty training after months of trying, been doing this since summer but regressed so started again in October it’s been 50/50 but my daughter still doesn’t say when she needs to go so I have to be on it and put a timer every hour but struggles with poo’s and ending having to put pants in b...


Is your toddler fully potty trained

June 2022 mommies is your toddler fully potty trained? If so, please share your strategies. No judgment here.


Potty Training

Hey Mamas, I want to start to potty train my little one but I don’t know where to start because I’ve never done this before. Any tips on how to get started.


Potty Training Help

My daugther just turned 3 years old and I am stressing out she is not potty trained yet!! I work remote from home so it is challenging. Also, everytime I put her on the potty she doesn’t potty and then after about 5 minutes she runs off the potty. What do I do? Also, should I stop changing her on changing table when...


Hands in mouth 24/7

Hey! My LO is 12 weeks old and her hands are her new favourite thing, comfort, toy. You name it, the hands are it😆 Buttttt how are we cleaning their hands so young? Like do I need to stand at the sink and wash them with normal soap like we do? I’m so paranoid at what she puts in her mouth and what’s on her…



Have you taken your baby to the dentist yet?


Any tips for how to check teeth?

LO wont let me anywhere near to have a look! Has the front 6-8 teeth but I cant see the rest of her mouth but I think the teething is bad, would like to know how close we are to mote teeth…


Toilet misses

Please, how long is the pee-all-over-the-floor-every-time stage?? 🤪 He’s just turned 4 we have to have the conversation about aim every damn time. And I’ve got a 3 month old boy too so will be going through it all again in a few years 🙈



So I have a 9mo turns 10mo tomorrow. Everytime I change her diaper or give her a bath she reaches down there and starts grabbing it. Has anyone else dealt with this? If so how did you get your LO to stop?


Stomach problems

So my 5 year old son is not potty trained due to his bowel movement. I’m trying to get him better . I want him to get in his underwear he’s in pull-ups still. Idk what to do he’s in prek , he would have been in kindergarten but his birthday is late September . We took him to his stomach doctor but I forgot what ...


Toddler driving me insane

Is it just me or has anyone else’s little one just changed suddenly, everything is a battle, the whinging!!! And not wanting to eat certain things all of a sudden, she’s also just been potty trained she’s taken to it so well I’m so proud of her but now when out she keeps saying she needs the toilet when she doesn’t,...


Potty training - refusing to use public toilets

We've been potty training for 2.5 weeks now and my LG is doing really well. She'll go at home, no problem but she won't use a public toilet even with the childs toilet seat. We take her potty but she also refuses to use it outside the home. She doesn't go at nursery either and will hold it for most of the day. I pic...


potty training and going out

for those potty training, how are you all navigating potty training and going out? since starting we've only done a few trips to the park which is at the end of our road, but from january i want to start taking my toddler and baby to groups at the children's centre. i'm just a bit worried about accidents while we're...



My little boy has been in so much pain from his teeth the last few days / nights. Feel so sorry for him. The top front 4 seem to be coming through together... but only on one side? The two on the left have now come through but no sign of the right ones. Is this normal? He sucks his thumb and not sure if this could c...


Teeth demineralisation

Has anyone gone through this with their little one ? We’ve been brushing his teeth since the first one came through at 6 months old , twice a day . He has CMPA and quite a lot of allergies so his meals need to be quite well planned so he can get maximum nutrition from them and we don’t do sweet and juices, only th...



Hello all, my little girl is 8 months and I’ve finally keyed into her routine and now feel the time is now to start EC. Yesterday we had 4 wees on the potty, and a little bit of poo. This morning, I put her straight on as soon as she woke up, and I’ve a lovely poo from her. Obviously wee signs are easy to miss; d...


Potty Training

Hi moms! Have any of you started potty training? If you have please let me know what has helped! If you haven’t why not (no shame!) ?


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