Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.


How do I know when my baby is teething? He’s almost 3 months old but he’s been really fussy the past few days and I’m not sure if he’s teething or not?


Potty training regression?

Is this a thing bcos my LO has been fine for a couple of month and now just peeing through her clothes. Not even a little bit - I mean a full wee, she’s not stopping herself. She’s been doing this for the last few days


Snake “bite”

I work with animals and we have a very large boa just now and when we were giving her her oral medication we had a little accident and her tooth scratched my thumb and it bled a lot. I cleaned it straight away with antibacterial soap and then hibiscrub. Kept the pressure on to stop the bleeding and popped a plaster ...


Brushing Teeth

Any tips on brushing a 14 months old’s teeth. He hates when I even attempt to brush his teeth🥲


Potty training

I know they say boys take longer to potty train but danggggg. My son is 3 and still not potty trained, idk if he’s even close. I need tips pleaseee I feel like everything we tried isn’t working he simply doesn’t care to go on the toilet.


Potty training at night?

We started potty training last Saturday ands it’s been going fairly well but the last 2 nights she hasn’t done any wee in her nappy overnight and has been waking up earlier to go to the toilet. I wasn’t even going to try potty training overnight for a long while I thought she wouldn’t be ready but it seems that she ...


Molars or sick

Anyone else's babies getting their molars right now ? im pretty sure my sons molars are coming in cuz his gums are super swollen and drooling like crazy , he just won't let me look in his mouth so im not 100% sure. But he is also sick , he has a cold. And for 2 nights straight he's been waking up SCREAMING won't go ...


Potty training seats? Which kind did you like best?

For those that have started potty training, which one did you like better? The portable potties that actually look like toilets or The kind of potty seat you put on top of an actually normal sized toilet? And why? Also provide brand and link plz :-)


Potty training - anyone started?

I’m thinking to introduce it after morning wake up and before bath, as I’ve read that’s good time to catch them! But otherwise a bit lost on how to start. I am sure I want to introduce it now though. Any tips/ advice appreciated!



I put a filter on to make it easier to see because the picture is blurry. I’ve noticed there’s two white lines on my son’s gums, which look like teeth. He won’t let me look so it’s hard to tell if his gums are red or swollen, but I don’t think I can feel any sharpness or anything. He’s had rosy cheeks for a while an...


Rosy cheeks-Teething?

Baby girls cheeks have been flushed for a couple of days now, she’s 7.5 months and doesn’t have any teeth yet! Don’t think it’s slapped cheek as she’s not poorly at all. Thinking it may be teething? Anyone else had this?


Top teeth or not

Does this look like my keys top tooth could be starting to come though. He has been snotty at night and irritable but no other sign of a cold or illness.


Day 2 potty training…

Can you let me know how the first few days of potty training went for you? We are on day 2 and we’ve only had success first thing in the morning when she wakes up and I pop her straight on :) Every other time has been an accident that then we pop her on and the potty catches the last bit… has this been similar f...


Toilet training

My son is 4 in feb. He still wears nappies. When we are at home, and he has nothing on his bottom half, he will use the potty for wees. But as soon as he has pants or clothes on he will wet himself. I don’t know how to stop this and don’t want him wearing nappies anymore, especially before he starts school next ye...


Poorly or teething

Does anyone else’s baby seem to get a cold when teething? My LO has the past few days been very congested, sneezing runny nose and lots of coughing and over night he’s been sick a few times. But he seems perfectly well in himself, playing nicely and happy. He didn’t do this with his bottom teeth but I think both ...


Baby boy showing signs of teething?

Hey mummies, My little boy is a few days shy of three months but is showing small signs of teething already. I’ve looked at his little gums and feel like I can see a sign of white pegs under, he’s drooling a lot and has been very irritable the last few nights. Is it too early though? And any recommendations on any t...


Saliva bubbles foaming

My LO has been showing this since a month ago. Is this normal since she's drooling more too??


Troubled teenage boy

Hi my nephew is 15 and lives with my mother (72) he was adopted and he is really bad. On another level bad. He is already 6’200 pounds. He just wants to stay in room, eat, and play video games. My mom took away his games he refuses to go to school. He threw water and my mom and cops were called. How do we get him to...


Teething or something else?

So yesterday and today I've noticed that just one of my little boys cheeks is red and hot, is this just teething or do I need to get him looked at? Google isnt very helpful 🤦🏻‍♀️


Where are the facilties for our babies???

Does anyone else find it so frustrating to go anywhere like shopping or a day out because there's nowhere to feed or change your baby? Its a 10 minute drive to my town centre and there's only 2 public toilets in the whole town. One in the bus station and one in the shopping centre which are on opposite ends of town ...


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