Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Potty training help

So my little boy does amazing with going to the potty for a wee and poo when he has nothing on his bottoms but as soon as I put pants or jogger bottoms on he forgets about the potty. How can I encourage him to go with something on.. he has no problem in pulling them down and if he does he asks for help but I just do...


Is this teething?

My baby is 14 weeks old and is inconsolable today, she has a rashy face, dribbling like crazy, chewing on her hand and she has a bit of a sore bum. It’s textbook symptoms but is she too young?


Boy potty training

If you are a potty training boy mom , when did you begin teaching them to stand? I’m a single mom so I’m like when and how do I teach him this? 😂


How did you get your toddler to use the potty 🚽

So he just started yesterday. I also made sure I rewarded him whenever he went pee pee. I gave him stickers, snacks juice and encouragement! Now I’m trying to figure out how to get him to 💩 I had him on the pot all day and he didn’t go but when I finished giving him a bath, he decided to go 💩 in the tub. Is there…


Potty Training

Any Mamas potty training yet and have been seeing success? I want to start potty training my little man but feel I'm gonna have to just let him run around nakey and pray he ends up sitting on his toilet for most pees and poops. Any advice is appreciated 💕


Dog pee/training

My dogs keep peeing by the front door. One of them is pretty trained but she continues to pee overnight next to door. My other dog is 1 and we’ve sucked at training him because when we got him I had a newborn and between the both of them my house won’t stop smelling like dog pee. I clean it thoroughly too. It’s hard...


Teething baby

How’s your baby when teething? Mine has been crying hysterically the last couple of nights and seems in pain when I’m breastfeeding him. He’s also got red cheeks, chewing everything, drooling etc. I just want to make sure he’s pain is teeth related and not he’s stomach as he gets very gassy too.


Potty Training

I feel embarrassed about this but I know every one is different & does things at different times. BUT…my son is not interested in potty training. He only wants to pee in the potty when he wants, which isn’t often & I’ve tried setting a timer every 15 minutes to “try” but I can’t get him in the bathroom. I know not t...


When would you start potty training?

We are moving in January (new house and new nursery), and I am due for my second child in June. Lots of changes ahead! I’m wondering when you would start potty training? I’d prefer not to be doing it in my third trimester.



Has anyone faced with teething yet ? Do your babies seem more sleepy than usually or not ?


Are we all in the teething trenches then 😂

Every post here is about teething atm! Makes me feel less alone lol



This may be a stupid question but how do you know when your little one is definitely teething?? My little girl is 5 months and slept awfully last night she kept moaning/whinging and today she has been constantly doing the same or crying way more than usual. Her gums look a tiny bit red but not massively but she woke...


Teething - how long/help

How long does the teething phase last? 😫 I’ve read online it should only be up to two weeks and if longer could be something else but my LO has all the signs and I can see she’s definitely teething but it’s been nearly 3 weeks of this going on a month 🤦🏾‍♀️! Any help /advice on coping? I bought teething gel but…


Is this normal

My little girl is 2 (3 in january) and has been out of nappies in the day since the first week of sept. She picked it up quickly and we now get no full accidents. However i would say 7/10 times she needs the toilet she dribbles in her knickers. Its like she starts going then realises so stops and then goes to the to...


How do you potty train a boy that won’t have nappy free time?🙈

He is showing all of the signs of being ready, but he doesn’t like to have no trousers/nappy on


Changing Tables

I was at the arcade yesterday & my 22 month old is in the process of starting to potty train & needed to be changed. I enter the family restroom there & open the changing table to change her training pants. As I was changing her, I decided to read the warning label. It said something along the lines of babies under ...



My 4 yr old keeps sneaking off to poop in her pants, at first she was saying it’s too hard to push it out but since then I have been giving her lots of fruit with her meals and her poop is soft and mushy like paste…she still sneaks and goes upstairs or on the steps then I check her and she’s already poop on herself…...


Tooth pain

Somebody give me some different ideas on how to help my 16 month old with teething pain!



My 7 week old baby is drooling really bad, has red cheeks and become quite grizzly. Surely it’s too early to be teething?


Quick vent about teething

WHEN WILL IT ENDDDDDDDD teething for ever, has 2 good days of eating normally and like being a precious angel and then BAM another molar. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


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