Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
How long does the teething phase last? 😫 I’ve read online it should only be up to two weeks and if longer could be something else but my LO has all the signs and I can see she’s definitely teething but it’s been nearly 3 weeks of this going on a month 🤦🏾♀️! Any help /advice on coping? I bought teething gel but…
My little girl is 2 (3 in january) and has been out of nappies in the day since the first week of sept. She picked it up quickly and we now get no full accidents. However i would say 7/10 times she needs the toilet she dribbles in her knickers. Its like she starts going then realises so stops and then goes to the to...
He is showing all of the signs of being ready, but he doesn’t like to have no trousers/nappy on
I was at the arcade yesterday & my 22 month old is in the process of starting to potty train & needed to be changed. I enter the family restroom there & open the changing table to change her training pants. As I was changing her, I decided to read the warning label. It said something along the lines of babies under ...
My 4 yr old keeps sneaking off to poop in her pants, at first she was saying it’s too hard to push it out but since then I have been giving her lots of fruit with her meals and her poop is soft and mushy like paste…she still sneaks and goes upstairs or on the steps then I check her and she’s already poop on herself…...
Somebody give me some different ideas on how to help my 16 month old with teething pain!
My 7 week old baby is drooling really bad, has red cheeks and become quite grizzly. Surely it’s too early to be teething?
WHEN WILL IT ENDDDDDDDD teething for ever, has 2 good days of eating normally and like being a precious angel and then BAM another molar. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
So, this week has been horrible. My boy just turned 3 months last week and I think he’s teething. Idk if it’s even possible but he’s biting at his hands, drooling, flush checks, and SO cranky. I made a doc appointment for tomorrow but I’m a FTM and wondering if this is even possible. I’ll post a pic - not sure what ...
My 4 month old has been really fussy at night and constantly chewing on stuff. Does this look like a tooth coming through
My bub is currently dribbling a lottttt as of last week and hands in mouth often, tried feeding , but not hungry at every time but bites the nip of bottle if not hungry and barely sleeps during the day been awake since 12:30 and only had a 30min nap and now it’s 7pm and is still awake ,doesn’t seem like his in pain ...
First time mom over there. My son is walking but when do we start potty training them? At the age of two? One? Now? Later? 😭 help. Not looking forward to potty training
They’ve been perfectly fine with potting training since just over 2 years old, but all of a sudden are just wetting themselves all the time, nothing I’ve tried is helping stop it. It seems worse now that when they first began potty training. I even took them doctors to rule out any infections but urine sample absolu...
Heya, my 9 month old has his 2 bottom teeth. I can see top ones starting to come through but the two as the side have come through the gums with no sign of the top middle too yet. Might look funny with a middle gap a while! Has anyone else's little ones teeth come through in a different order than 'normal'? X
Any tips? Or tricks. Also, is there like an app? 🫠🫠♥️ pls help this melting momma
Hey girls, I am in absolutely agony with my tooth, does anyone know if you get free emergency dental care covered with the mat certificate?? Thanks
My lo is 7 weeks and infacol only helped up until roughly 4 weeks, using colief drops for colic which is helping but still very bothered with trapped wing! Any one who’s used dentinox would you recommend?
Like when did you start feeling comfortable going places without worrying about accidents? (Comment kids age when you started potty training?)
In anyway? I'm being foreal not trying to be funny because he will be 33 soon he says he's trying to make it out here like everyone else but it's hard because he's by hisself and doesn't have the help anyway.
When did your little one become dry at night?