Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

4 year old having accidents all of a sudden

They’ve been perfectly fine with potting training since just over 2 years old, but all of a sudden are just wetting themselves all the time, nothing I’ve tried is helping stop it. It seems worse now that when they first began potty training. I even took them doctors to rule out any infections but urine sample absolu...



Heya, my 9 month old has his 2 bottom teeth. I can see top ones starting to come through but the two as the side have come through the gums with no sign of the top middle too yet. Might look funny with a middle gap a while! Has anyone else's little ones teeth come through in a different order than 'normal'? X


Potty training

Any tips? Or tricks. Also, is there like an app? 🫠🫠♥️ pls help this melting momma


NHS maternity exemption certificate

Hey girls, I am in absolutely agony with my tooth, does anyone know if you get free emergency dental care covered with the mat certificate?? Thanks


Anyone ever experienced infacol suddenly stopped working?

My lo is 7 weeks and infacol only helped up until roughly 4 weeks, using colief drops for colic which is helping but still very bothered with trapped wing! Any one who’s used dentinox would you recommend?


How long did potty training take you?

Like when did you start feeling comfortable going places without worrying about accidents? (Comment kids age when you started potty training?)


A man with rotten teeth that don't smile to hide his teeth because he know they rotten dirty shoes same clothes every other day bald spot in the middle of his head no job suspended license.. the list goes on would you try to help him?

In anyway? I'm being foreal not trying to be funny because he will be 33 soon he says he's trying to make it out here like everyone else but it's hard because he's by hisself and doesn't have the help anyway.


Potty training: dry at night

When did your little one become dry at night?


Why can’t we crack potty training??

I feel so concerned because we just cannot get potty training right. We have been trying since Easter time and had three really big tries with no nappies, charts, stickers the lot. Each time has gotten worse. I feel like such a failure and lost all confidence and feel it will never happen now. ☹️


Line on gums

How long does it take for a tooth to cut through when you can see the line on the gums?


Potty training pants

I've been trying to potty training my 2 year old by letting him be bottom naked and encouraging him to use the potty when he shows signs of needing to pee but he keeps peeing on the floor because he thinks it's hilarious to then splash in it 🤦🏻‍♀️ the few times he has peed on the potty we've celebrated but…



Does anyone know of any dentists taking on NHS patients in County Down or close? Thanks x


Anyone going through a stage of not eating at all

Not sure if it’s the teething as he is at the moment, it’s got me worried because he’s surviving on water oxygen and just vibes 😂


Sick with teething

Can a baby be sick through teething pain? My daughter was sick early hours this morning and I thought she may of had a bug, but she’s absolutely fine, full of energy, she’s eaten toast and biscuits a couple of hours ago and she’s held everything down. She’s got 5 big back teeth coming in all at once and she’s been u...


Too much ibruprofen?

Help, I’m beside myself with worry! My 9 month old is teething pretty bad and has a cold so we gave her some ibuprofen this morning. I normally give her 5ml of calpol as that’s the recommended dosage for her age, and I was so sure that it was the same for ibuprofen that I didn’t even think to check the box. I by cha...



My baby is 10 weeks. Started sucking on his fists a few weeks ago but is doing it much more now and his little cheeks are flushed. Could he be teething or is it too early?


Toddler hates me!!

I'm wondering if anyone else is in this position. My 17 month old has been teething for the last week (I think they're her fangs coming through?) And also snotty and coughy. This week has been awful to say the least, it's like she hates me! 😪 she's always been cuddly with me and playful with me, but this week she…


Potty training help

My 3.5 year old refuses to poop on the potty and freaks out every time I try anything to get him on there. He’s fine with peeing on the potty. Any tips or tricks??


Night training pants recommendation?

My LB is potty training almost 100% during the day but still wearing nappies during the night. He had a regression when moving to preschool, which was hard but it seems over no, however he sometimes asks to keep his nappy on (so he can keep playing). I wanted to try some training pants so he doesn't wear nappies any...


Toilet/potty training nightmare.

Need some advice for anyone who has dealt with this recently - please no general advice as I think I’ll actually have another melt down if someone tells me the usual methods 😅 sorry! I just need to speak to someone who’s had a major toilet/potty regression and can offer some advice? We started potty training very…


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