Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
My LO is due to start nursery in 2 weeks and I have no idea how on earth we're going to fit in giving her a bottle then giving her enough time to be ready for breakfast. Were thinking about giving her breakfast first, also because then we can do her teeth and get her dressed after breakfast as she gets it everywhe...
Hello Mums! I have a v fussy 11m old who will only be spoon fed when it’s something sweet eg yoghurt or breakfasty bits or a very small selection of Heinz jars! She purses her mouth closed 90% of the time when I try to spoon feed savoury things. I have been doing BLW now for a while because she prefers to feed her...
We're gonna start baby with foods tomorrow! Planning on trying banana first, my plan is to just let him try foods for now until about 9 months and then give him more meals, what are you all planning? My health visitor said its just so he gets a taste for stuff and most of his calories should still be breastmilk till...
My toddler has always been a pickier eater, which I know is fairly normal. However, the older he gets the less and less he will eat. He has also started gagging on a lot of foods (even foods he used to like). And now that gags more often, he’s refusing almost all food. We are seeing his pediatrician soon but wanted ...
So my baby just swallowed some cardboard from a tissue box and the other day she was chewing a book until it deteriorated and ate little bits of that too. Shes ok and I assume it’ll pass through the system. Shes started weaning but is feeding well and teething, we are always offering silicone teethers. Clearly cardb...
Has any one for any recommendation for snacks that are full of calcium. My little one is 9 months and only having about 400ml of milk a day, would nather make sure she gets enough calcium through food instead of supplements
So question, for any momma who has more than one baby how did you deal with feeding your first born and dealing with food aversions and nausea ? I just know with my first baby i had a lot of food aversions and got sick if I took a whiff of a food. My first is 10 months old and I'm starting her on like solid finger f...
Any veggie/pescatarian recipe ideas please for a 6mo just starting BLW. Just no salmon, she’s been sick every time I’ve given her salmon! 😣 On the back of that, can I give her meat alternative products such as quorn? I’m struggling with what to feed her because I eat a lot of meat alternatives. My partner eats…
Mums what meals and puddings are we offering? I needs some new ideas and other foods to introduce - feel like I’m just doing the same
We just given our son a small amount of carrot purée at lunch and he absolutely loved it. Should I give him some more later on this evening? I’ve got a weaning plan, but kinda missed the bit of how these first few days would look and how much to give them?
Anyone else struggling to get there 3 year old to eat a meal unless it’s fish fingers and chips ? My girl used to be amazing at eating. She’d eat anything given to her, snacks meals etc. but for the last however long she will not eat a meal. She picks at it for like 5 seconds and then the whole ‘ I don’t like it, I...
Please no judgy comments on salt content.. it's a one off and I'm more interested in whether they're safe ie. How to minimise choking risk. Has anyone given them? (Second and third time mums probably more likely 🥹🤣)
My LO is 4 months next week, my mum weaned my brother 5 years ago around this time, she has said she thinks my little one is ready for baby rice, she’s EBF and she won’t take a bottle (even though she has done before now) and the doctors have told me to try combi feeding due to my MH but she throws up formula, doesn...
Please help. My 11 month old refuses solids. He’s breastfed and still wakes every 2 hours at night to eat. Is anyone else in this position? He’s been seeing a feeding therapist for months. We’ve tried purées and finger sized foods he can do on his own. Nothing is helping. He makes progress for a few days and then ha...
As an example - my little one won’t eat eggs or avocado at home, I’ve just let him have some of my scrambled eggs and crushed avo on toast from the cafe and he loved it. It was tasty (salty) Is it better for a baby NOT to eat nicely cooked healthy no added salt food and miss out on that nutrition OR to add a tiny bi...
We are due to go on holiday with our 12 month old. I’ve got snacks sorted but wouldn’t mind taking something for his lunch so that he’s not just snacking all day. Any ideas of what I could take?
So my little boy is 7 months old today and I’ve been doing purées since we started our weaning journey! I wanna move on to more solid food but can’t shake the fear of choking! I’ve educated my self on what to do if choking was to happen but I still can’t get over that fear🥹I don’t know if it’s just anxiety or what…
My baby is 8 1/2 months old and wanted to try him on some bread because he hasn’t had it before. I literally have this bread that I bought for myself and just wondered if it was okay for him. He has had wheat before because he’s tried pasta.
I fear I’ve finally hit that wall with my 1 year old’s mealtime ideas 😫 Running out of variations for lunches and dinners through the week and now finding ourselves stuck in a rotation of the same 4 or 5 meals. Any help please? 😇
Anyone else’s baby just spit things out? I’m getting worried she won’t ever like food 😫