Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Have you started weaning?

Hey mums, have u started weaning? I started 1 week ago, and baby stil isn’t really into it as much… I can’t remember how long it takes for them to actually eat afew spoons of food, I’ve totally forgotten how I weaned my eldest lol … should I be worried? He’s just having first tastes at the moment.. but when does he ...


How to get a 2 yo to eat other forms of potatoes

He used to love mashed potatoes until my husband gave him French fries. Now all he wants are fries and refuses to eat potatoes in any other form


What do I do !!

My little girl is 5 months. We’ve discussed with our doctor about weaning her, as she’s having 9oz bottle every 1-2 hours and still wanting more. She can go up to 15oz. I made some carrot purée with formula but despite the feeding and showing signs, she just spits it back out. What do I do ?


How to take a 6 month old to dinner??

It’s my birthday this weekend. Where and how can I take my 6 month old baby to dinner?? Do I wait for him to wake up from his last nap and go right when he’s awake? I want to enjoy my dinner/drinks and not worry about him fussing. How do you take your child to dinner? I tried once and it was a mess. Too loud, too co...


Anyone’s 15 month old still fussy with food?

Need some advice! I breastfeed and along with cows milk, I’m trying to get my little one more interested in solids. He has the smallest amount food whether it be a bite of a biscuit or a nibble on a piece of cheese. I’m constantly offering him food but I’m not sure if I’m getting the timing right or if he’s simply f...


Not interested in solids?

My very nearly 8mo is just not interested in food. I have a 3 year old who did BLW and took to it very very quickly. This little one is just not interested at all. Will have the off puff and two little spoonfuls but that’s it. Anyone else in the same boat?



Hi mommas! My baby is not interested in his food at all. The only way he’ll eat is if I hand feed him myself but he makes no effort to grab the food and put it in his mouth.


8 months and still not interested in food!

We've been weaning my LO since he turned 6 months. At first he had zero interest but he now gets excited for meal times, but doesn't really eat anything. He loves porridge and some fruits like banana but nothing else!! Is anyone else in the same boat? It's stressing me out!


How do your LOs reach the sink to wash their hands after eating?

I bought my son some toddler steps which they marketed as fine for the purpose I was planning to use them for. The one time I decided to stand beside him instead of behind him to wash his hands he fell backwards and hit the floor and I ended up taking him to hospital for a mild concussion! He was completely fine and...


Poorly bubs & food

My LO has hand. Foot and mouth! We've been told to give them soft, bland and easy to eat food but I'm at a loss! They've had scrambled eggs already today and I'll give them the other half with some yogurt and banana but at a loss for the coming days! They pretty much eat anything and we did BLW so any tips will help…



My baby boy seems to be hungry CONSTANTLY! Thoughts on starting baby rice at 4 months ????


Milk allergy weaning

My baby is teething now and I will starting to feed her food soon. She has a cow milk allergy and I would really benefit from some non-dairy meal prep ideas 🙏 I am already thinking puréed veggies but are there any other suggestions x


10 month old randomly started refusing food

Hi my 10 month old has jsut started refusing to eat anything throwing it on floor having meltdowns when i try to feed him he's always been a good eater too is this normal ? x


Baby Led Weaning

Hey! How did everyone start baby led weaning? We did pureed food which we started at 4 months due to reflux and CMPA we were advised to start then (fully aware it's a bit controversial!!) I'm now sort of stuck after doing purees I don't know how best to transition to baby led! Any good recipes or suggestions a...


You open the fruit and see one is moldy. What do you do?

My husband and I always have this “fight”. If I see any mold, I throw them all away. Even the ones not touching or far away. They all gotta go. My husband says you just throw away the moldy ones and the ones close to it and clean the others well. And then you can keep them and eat them.


Food Processors

Hey ladiesss! Those who have started weaning - what are you using to blend up food for the baby? Xx


Solids help

My baby will not eat solids. Doesn’t open her mouth for purées and when tried 2-3x solids, and a small tiny piece goes into her mouth (a piece she can just swallow bc it’s so tiny) she freaks and gags and then won’t want to try it again 🫣 Even with Tylenol she gags and hates it.


Chicken Kiev for baby

Random one but I’ve got chicken Kievs for dinner tonight and would like to give baby the same dinner for ease. How would you serve them a chicken Kiev? Sliced into strips or in quarters? TIA


Fussy eater

Is anyone going through something similar, my LO for the past few months has been the fussiest eater. Only eats pasta and fruit and sometimes cheese and some toast- even then sometimes he doesn’t eat much! Anything new I put on his plate, he chucks it on the floor. I’m convinced he wakes up in the night hungry becau...


How to serve food

When giving baby finger food meals, do you offer one thing at a time or put it on one of those plates with the different compartments so it's offered all at once? When I tried offering it all at the same time, my baby ate the thing he liked the most and then just left everything else.


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