Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
I feel embarrassed but my son isn't showing any interest in self feeding still. He loves food and will hold it but it's like his brain can't connect the idea to put it to his mouth... How can I encourage this? Anyone else the same?
Anyone else’s toddler not feeding themselves with a spoon? He will happily pick up a pre-loaded spoon and feed himself but just hasn’t got the grasp of scooping himself yet. We practise every day and I’ll always have extra spoons with meals. But does anyone have any recommendations for cutlery that may help or any t...
Has anyone’s baby been testing how much patience you have ?? My girl won’t sit in her high chair (cuz the meltdown of the year happens) but as soon as I take her out and she’s running around she will eat the food I give to her. I know it’s normal but she’s not even one and behaving like a toddler, everything is a re...
Hi all, My little boy has never been a massive foodie, since weaning he has some days where he will eat more than others but even on good days he doesn’t eat a great deal, bad days he will eat next to nothing. Now he is 12 months and having no formula, I’m really worried about how little he is actually eating. Today...
Can I give my 6 month old a bite of ice cream? He's never had anything sweet and I just want to see his reaction.
He still eats pouches or puree food. Anyone else? So deflated
Anyone else’s toddler go from a great eater, to not eating at all? My kid enjoys teasing the dog and feeding most of his food to the dog. I’m starting to worry now that hes not eating enough. I stopped making breakfast because I feel like 90% of his food goes on the floor and he’s just wasting so much. I have trie...
So my boy is really fussy and don’t eat Much and really running out of ideas Could any one help me with Breakfast lunch and dinner ideas please anything would be helpfull ❤️
- A) Fruit snacks - B) Cookies - C) Cheese puffs - D) Popcorn
We are going on holiday in April (UK to Turkey) with our LO who will be just under 9M. We’ve just started weaning, what should we do about food for her on holiday (I’ll also still BF her)? And any recommendations on items we should take that people found really good?
Hi! I will be travelling to the USA with my baby and wondered if anyone could advise on the best brand for healthy pouches and snacks for my baby? Will try and give fresh food as much as I can but more just for out and about. Thank you!
I need help with pasta sauces that don't contain tomatoes or pesto My daughter loves pasta Bolognese but we've just found out she's allergic to tomatoes. And I can't eat pesto All I can think of is a cheese sauce
What juice is good to start my son on and how do I offer it to him?
So my baby is just over 1 week off 7months.. sent partner to the shops to get some pouches as we have nothing in the house.. he come back with 7+ Ella’s pouches.. surely this will be fine to use? Only thing is we’ve been doing like single foods and these are chicken casserole and spag bowl food pouches 🤔 xx
Anyone else struggling with weaning? My LO is hardly eating anything whatsoever! She just about eats porridge, toast and finger puffs. I feel like she’s not getting any healthy food like fruit, veg or proper meals as she won’t eat them. Any tips or food ideas to help her eat? Thanks!
When you spent hours making rotisserie chicken and roast vegetables, only to be told later that they just want cereal for dinner instead 😂🤦♀️ my daughter is 3 and my son is 2, he’s likes to copy his sister, so whatever she eats he wants to eat too 😭 tell me I’m not the only one haha
My lg hasn’t eaten at dinner time for months now! She just will not eat, I offer several different meals when she doesn’t like the other one and she just will not eat anything! Why??
My baby is all over the place when we give her food. Arms and legs going wild, grabbing the plate, cup and just generally not very calm. Shes not upset or anything, just mental. She hates me cleaning her face and hands aswell. I’m not sure if its just her or if this is normal for 8 months?!
I know all babies are different but on average what are your 9 month olds eating in a day and how many bottles are they having? Do you still give them one in the night? Curious mostly and interested in the comparisons I’ve heard such different ends of the spectrum! 🤭
I’m making pasta and the recipe uses garlic she has had it before but I’m wondering if I should maybe use half as much as the recipe uses? It’s only 1 clove but idk 😅 I can’t cook but I’m tryna learn