Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
Google says to avoid mince pies that contain alcohol. I’d already eaten a mini one by the time I read this. Should I be concerned? 😫
One of my NY resolutions is to cook more food for my kids instead of using packaged foods for breakfast/lunch because it’s easier. What kinds of things do your kids enjoy eating? Recipes for meals or snacks? Doesn’t have to be complicated just something made with “real” food instead of lunchables and uncrustables 😂
My son is 18 weeks (4 months) and can sit up unaided. He watches us eat with fascination and reaches out for food. Would you begin weaning? (If you say no because of research about later-in-life issues, please include a SOURCE!) 😊
I’ve started weaning. We had a blip with sickness and then force syringe medication. Since then my baby is opting more for the whole foods than puree. So I’m now forced to BLW. On TikTok mums are making whole meals for 6 month year olds and the plates are finished. But my little one is eating a teaspoon. Is this n...
Hey my little girl turns 6 months tomorrow !! she is soooo ready for food , and my plan from the beginning has been to baby led wean. I’m a first time mum and my insta fyp keeps coming up with vids of choking and what to do etc so my anxiety has been built up massively 😅 I still really want to go ahead with it…
Can someone explain why is the guide saying finger size for 6 months and small bites for 8+ it doesn’t make sense to me. Like my baby could bite off a really big piece of food from the finger sized as opposed to I could offer small bites.
Hey moms, I wonder if anyone is having same issue? I just broke into tears as it’s becoming overwhelming as I’m also pregnant with 2nd baby. My toddler has been eating only rice for months now. Doesn’t want any meat, potatoes, soup, veggies…just milk, some fruit, biscuits, bread, yogurt and rice. She used to eat eve...
Hi baby, will be one years old on January 2 but I feel like he does not eat enough solid food to wean from formula. Anyone have any tips or tricks or advice on how much their baby eats and how to help them eat more or a schedule that they have that works really well for eating and bottles
My son starts nursery in January. He will be almost 10 months old. He will have the following food at nursery - 8.30 breakfast 10am snack 12.30 lunch 3.30 tea Plus 1 bottle before his afternoon nap. Would you be feeding baby anything else at home in the evening? At home he would usually have 7am bottle 8am b...
My baby’s appetite has suddenly dropped. He doesn’t want to have his crackers or his food. He’d take in a few spoons and leave the rest. How long should I be trying to give him food per session? Is it recommended to show him toys while feeding so that he eats? Thank you.
My little one has only had a couple of days at nursery so far and he starts doing 3 full days a week in the new year. He’s been tearful which I was expecting and the staff have reassured me is totally normal. But when he’s there he refuses to eat or drink anything. Today from 8:30-3:30 they managed to get him to dr...
Hi my little girl is 8 months old tomorrow. How many meals should she be on??
My baby is 9mth and will only eat jar food he hates homemade food and textures how do i get him to eat home food any advice please
What's everyone's plan with weaning? How many meals do your 6 month olds have per day, plus bottles? My LO still has about 6 bottles a day. I offer him 7oz each bottle and sometimes he'll have the full 7oz, sometimes only 5oz but it works out that he always has 35oz within a 24 hour period. I've recently started w...
My lo will happily eat on his own any finger food. Wet food is what we struggle with. Porridge, Weetabix, any dinner that isn't a finger food he just refuses to eat if being fed my us or he will have literally two spoonfulls. I made spaghetti for us. I used 800g of beef mince, and added herbs, paprika, garlic, peppe...
How has people moved their babies over to more solid bite size food from purée. My little one is not interested in anything with lumps and just spits them out. I give him toast he will suck on it then feed it to the dogs I’ve given him those Ella’s kitchen melts and he loves them but any veg he won’t touch, He’s co...
Hi ladies. Are their any moms who have used the milk ladder with their babies. My little boy has just been introduced to croissants and i don’t know if I can add anything in the inside so it doesn’t taste so plain for him. Any help would be appreciated. (Picture of my boy so we don’t get lost)
Sometimes we'll have a treat after dinner and I usually give my toddler berries instead. Occasionally we'll give him reduced sugar custard. He has had ice cream at his grandparents house a couple times but I've never given him it. I'm wondering how often you offer these types of foods?
She will eat like a few chips, drink her milk (pedicure), but rejects everything… I need help…
I'm a little stressed. I've been referred to OLIVE for my little girl as she has gone up two centiles since birth. The health visitor suggested I am overfeeding her, but she is EBF, and the Midwife said you cannot overfeeding a breast fed baby. For reference she feeds every 3-4hours. She was 7lbs 1oz when she was bo...