Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Question to the mums of exclusively formula fed babes. My little boy is 7 weeks old and drinks between 32-40oz formula a day. Is this too much? It's seems a lot to me. I exclusively BF my first baby so this is all very new. He doesn't vomit it up. Does between 2-5 average poos a day. He has periods of fussiness b...
Hi guys, I am at the point where I am tired of washing the multiple parts to MAM bottles, even though I have no other issue with them. But I just want something simpler now, can anybody recommend bottles I might be able to transfer my child on to? I’m not sure of a different teat shape will but her off and was wonde...
Wondering 🤔 those who are only formula feeding how much is your baby eating and how often? How much did they eat at 5 weeks?
12 week old baby how many Oz should they be having over a 24 hour period? I don’t think my LO is getting enough :(
Is anyone else’s 5month old isn’t eating much milk in the day time ? Out of 5/6 ounces he manages about 2 sometimes 4 . It’s worrying me now , he isn’t showing many signs of hunger whenever I go to offer him more he doesn’t take it just spits its out and pushes bottle away
How do you mommas out there with 2 or more kids do it?? Im struggling here with my 3 year old and my newborn. I forgot how bad the newborn stage is but also new to toddler with newborn stage. Can’t seem to be able to even have a decent meal😫😫
Anyone else’s 11 week old all of the sudden not drinking much? At best he’s drinking 3oz all day today.
My 13 week old is having 5 oz milk roughly every 3 hours. But sleeping from 10-5. So roughly 30oz a day is this ok for 3 months?? Or too little?
I’ve EBF for the past 6 months, I have expressed at times so my partner could do the odd bottle but I hate expressing - I expressed to allow me a break but it’s the added mental load of pumping, storing, sterilising bottles etc so we haven’t done it much, Does anyone casually combi feed? I was thinking to introduc...
When are you considering having baby #2?? I want to start rn! 🥲🥹
Baby Breeza help!!!
I have been freezing purees in ice cube trays which is good but now he’s eating more does anyone know any reasons why I can’t freeze in used glass jars? Like the heinz and hip jars?
Hello, my daughter turned 1 last week and at our recent health visitor appointment the lady told us to start weaning her onto cows milk, we asked how and she said to just give her a couple oz a day of just milk from a bottle however my daughter is refusing to drink the cows milk. Does anyone have any other advice or...
Has anyone’s little one been on antibiotics yet? My LB is on antibiotics for tonsillitis, the bottle says 4 times a day, 6 hours apart 2 hour after food and at least 1 hour before I’m finding it impossible to fit in meals bottles and meds!! he will throw up just taking the medication as it tastes so bad so I have ...
Which development leap did you find the hardest?
How much are your one month olds drinking and how often? Please settle my brain there’s so much mixed info. Mine is having. Between 120-150 every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. She is content and doesn’t vomit it and will spit it out if she’s finished. But everywhere says that they should only take like 90ml! Why is it so confusi...
My little boy is 7 weeks old and the past 12 hours and yesterday afternoon around 3ish he has only been having 1.5/2 ounces. He went to sleep at around 10:30 11 ish from drinking 3 ounces then Through the night he woke up at 4 and had 1.5 oz and went down at 5. Woke at 7:30 gave him a bottle and he only has an oz th...
How many bottles per 24 hours is your babies having?
Hi I'm just looking to see if anyone is in a similar situation little one is nearly 14 months and still on size 2 teats you can see they tire her but she's happy taking it but she will refuse to take a size 3 teat I have tried so so so many times and she will only take an ounce mabey 2 at a push then gives up as it'...
What type of water bottle do you use with your 2 year olds? I'm worried it'll get dropped too often