Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Hi, I have the dentinox colic drops has anyone used these before it says to fill the syringe up to 2.5ml which is here as seen in photos. Is this right? Seems allot to me? Thank you
My baby has been eating between 4 and 5oz for the last 3-4 weeks, but I wouldn’t say we are any closer to moving up to 6oz. Would you say this is normal? I was expecting us to have moved onto a bigger bottle by now after nearly a month?
Anybody use the Milton cold steriliser and find the bottle parts smell afterwards? is this normal or am I doing something wrong?
My almost 8 month old has finally taken a bit better to weaning and is having 2-3 meals per day (sometimes not much at a time but others a fair amount). However he is still taking around 34 oz formula a day. Some days he has up to 38oz. He still has a feed around 9pm then around 3am. Occasionally I can get him to ...
What bottles or beakers are people using for water when they first start weaning? We have the mam bottles with handles that came in our mam set but not sure if there are better ones than this that we can use.
Hey! So I’m in Glasgow, scotland and we have got a red weather warning for tomorrow and at first I didn’t think anything of it because it’s Scotland, when do we not have bad weather? Anyway now after the alert has came through to our phones and seeing so many people post saying power cuts could happen I’m worrying a...
my almost 8 month old has been on anti reflux for almost 6 months, i was wondering when i could take him off this? i have asked my health visitor and she said whenever we feel however feel as though im unsure, he is BLW. just wanted some advice if anyone else has done taken them off and put them onto a normal formul...
Can someone tell me their formula feeding with all meals plan please? I’m totally new to formula feeding and I feel like my schedule is waaaaay off and really need some help. He has about 30oz a day with meals, Is this too much? He wakes around 7am, has his first nap at 10/10.30 second nap 2/2.30. Might add he doesn...
My LO is 4 months (16 weeks, 11 weeks corrected) and won’t drink more than 120ml (4oz) each feed but wants food every 2.5hours. He’s been taking 4oz feeds since he was 9 weeks and won’t take anymore each time, he’s dropped a centile and is now on the 9th, since stopping BF but I’m worried he’ll never drink more! ...
We have four tins of unopened aptamil pepti 1, and I don’t know what to do with it as feels awful to throw away! Any advice on what to do with them! 🩷
Any advice for a first time mum with a 7month old. Little one is going through a stage of refusing to take bottles, particularly in the mornings. She's having pouches and jars during the day, will take a bottle after her afternoon nap and will occasionally take one at bed time, but it's very hit and miss. Just wonde...
How did you start removing formula from baby & introducing cows milk? What does a typical food day look like for others? Just trying to get my head around it as soon we will be making the change!!
Looking to see what popular choices are because there’s so many! Please comment if there’s one not listed as can’t fit them all in x
How much does your LO eat if feeding purées? I do a mix of homemade and store brought so he will have anything between 130-180ml of puree twice a day and around 4-5 bottles between 5-6oz. Is that a good amount of puree to give?
Anyones Lo still on Formula.. how much are they having? Edit- if your LO arent eating much
Hi Mums, I am so confused about which milk is good for my 2 years old boy. I am looking for bovaer free, sugar free and with some vitamins whole milk. I used to give him Arla big milk since I found out bovaer thing I am not sure which one is good. Please give some options would be appreciate. Thanks
Anyone else’s baby just gone off their milk and having uncomfortable stomachs since Kendamil changed milks? My baby used to take 4-5oz and now only takes 1-2oz of each bottle and it’s stressing me out!!
What are your recommendations for a good blender for weaning. I'll be honest I'm tempted to buy the ninja 3-1 as I need it at home for other stuff but use a separate cup just for her purees
My LG is only having around 130 - 170ml per feed which means she’s having on average 865ml a day. Is that enough for a 4month old? She’s a big baby but has been less interested in drinking the last two weeks.
Question to the mums of exclusively formula fed babes. My little boy is 7 weeks old and drinks between 32-40oz formula a day. Is this too much? It's seems a lot to me. I exclusively BF my first baby so this is all very new. He doesn't vomit it up. Does between 2-5 average poos a day. He has periods of fussiness b...