Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.


Hi mama’s! My little one will be 18 months old soon . I’m starting to get worried at this point. He can only say dada and about 2 weeks ago he said mama a couple of times. He doesn’t point he only claps his hands when we say “ well done “ or when he finishes his shapes sorter . If I ask his to bring something t...


Tantrums 21 months old

Hi mamas, grandparents have started noticing the tantrums n are calling my LB moody, angry lil boy etc etc. I’ve read it’s normal for them to have tantrums and be emotional at this stage? Yes his tantrums are very difficult for me to deal with. But I isolate him when he’s like that take him in my room or anywhere se...


Thoughts on Reins

I’ve never known how I feel about reins on young kids - I’m not sure why! My little one is now 15mo and all he wants to do is run about and be in everything and go everywhere! He is okay in his pram for maybe 5 minutes before he realises hang on, I want to be walking with you! I’d love to be able to let him out ...


Downward dog

My 13 month old has been crawling since 11 months. She’s not standing unassisted but feel like she’s almost there. This week she’s started doing a downward dog about! Is this her preparing to stand or is she just into her yoga 😂


Cautious toddler - should I be worried?

This might sound like a weird concern but I just don't think my toddler is as fearless as I would expect a typical toddler to be... She's quite cautious and reserved and when you think of toddlers you think of these chaotic fearless tiny people just barrelling around everywhere 😂 I have a friend who has a little…


21 Months old

Anyone else toddler going through a stage of saying again to everything.. driving me insane 😂


16 month tantrums getting out of hand.

Screams when I have to brush his teeth, screams taking him out of the bath, screams going back into he pram after going to park. Inconsolable to the point his bright red, refusing to listen or stop crying. This is getting so exhausting and making he feel negatively towards him. Please can anyone give advise or at...


Speech therapy

Hey Mama’s few weeks ago the health visitor came to do 2 years old check for my daughter and she referred us to a speech therapist. My little good does talk some of her words are not clear and if you ask her to say something she will not say it only if she wants to say it. My question is has anyone’s been referred t...



My baby is 16 weeks and I think she’s focussing on her voice this leap🤣 the shouting, wow! She’s holding things if we place into hand but not moving to mouth or rolling yet. However, 4 times now her babbles have sounded like “maam” even other people have picked up on it😂 definitely just her making sounds but it…


Scared of loud noises!

My son’s nearly 18 months and he’s absolutely terrified of any loud noises. E.g the hoover, flushing toilet, fireworks. Is this normal or is this something I should get checked on. I’m a ftm and just want to make sure he’s okay :/


Smart 2.5 year old?

this post isn’t for “showing off” so please please don’t think so it’s just to see if I’m right in thinking this is actually quite clever for his age. Okay so my little boy who will be 3 in June is non verbal and suspected autistic. He doesn’t speak but his understanding is AMAZING! He got this fishing game for Xma...


Is my 15 month old “late”

I know all babies develop differently but I’m dying for him to be able to communicate better with me and me understand how he’s feeling because he just constantly whines all day everyday 😩 He can say “mama” and “more” but that’s it. He can sign more and he understands me when I say “dada is home” and he looks out…


Everything has changed and I’m lost!

My 2 year old son doesn’t like his almost 1 year old sister all of a sudden this all started around late November. He’s constantly whining and crying when she makes noises trust to play or comes near him and even sometimes makes eye contact it’s a meltdown. He can’t talk (we are working on it) he’s not eating hardly...


Frustrated Baby

Does anyone’s baby get so frustrated that they can’t crawl yet? As soon as he’s awake he wants to get onto his front in the cot & move around. I feel like he won’t self settle because he’s on all 4’s. Has anyone experienced this?


Should I be concerned?

My son ignores me sometimes when I call his name but he knows his name and is responsive also looks but sometimes he doesn’t


Advice for fussy babies

If you have a fussy baby like mine you’ve tried everything to get them to calm down and they keep screaming. Try going on YouTube and look up high contrast baby videos or black and white videos for babies. It’s good for babies to watch these videos anyways because it allows baby to really focus and help with their ...


Can a 10-11 month old show signs of autism?

If your kid showed signs at this age can you comment what the signs were and when their doctor screened for it?


Rubbing face on mattress

Hey mommas, my son is 4 months when he is tired or feeding while laying down on his side he rubs his face on the bed . Does anybody's baby does this ?


Baby turning 5 months next week

When I’m in a mum and baby’s class my baby doesn’t look at me but she looks at other mum’s and babies. Is this normal?


Screaming toddler

I’m looking for advice from other parents with/that had a screaming toddler. My 19 month old screams a lot mainly when she wakes up in the middle of the night or in the morning Ive tried everything in my power to stop her from screaming. It’s now becoming even more of a problem as my neighbours are making complaints...


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