Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
Trying to count how many words my boy has got, what qualifies as a word? Because I u stand quite a few “words” he says but I’m sure nobody else would 😝 Also how many words expected for 15mo?
My 7mo has started shaking his head, is this normal? I worry so much he’s reached all milestones so far but haven’t read anything on this
She recently turned 1 but for the last 2-3 weeks, she just seems constantly unhappy & grumpy. Always whinging, crying, super clingy. Nursery have even mentioned how she seems to be unhappy with everything in the world. Is this just a phase?
My almost 2 year old is delayed with expressive and receptive language. She doesn't listen to me or anyone. We've tried positive reinforcement but she doesn't care. We've tried removing things or her from situations, she doesn't care. I just want to be able to keep her safe and have her be decently behaved. I know s...
Hey guys, my baby boy is very bashy with his hands and sometimes when you hold him he’ll basically smack your face but he will pretty much do it to anyone that holds him if his comfortable and it makes me quite sad and confused where his learnt this from, we always tell him no and sometimes he’ll just laugh at us, I...
I always heard about terrible two and we didnt have many issues at that age. But since a couple of months it starts getting really difficult , like nearly every „no“ ends in tears , he’s refusing doing usual things like brushing teeth and hair , ….. just wondering if anyone else experience that at this age?
My 20 month old says about 10 -15 words can point at things attempts to count to three understands when he wants something open knows what bye bye means is this normal development for his age or is he behind???
FTM mum here, my 7 1/2 month old has just started wiggling his head from side to side quite quickly at random times during the day. This doesn’t seem to coincide with him being tired or anything however he has been teething quite badly so I wasn’t sure if it was related to that. Has anyone experienced this before?
My son is almost 2 years old next week. His speech is excellent, his motor and fine skills are amazing. He honestly surprises me everyday at how great he is. He is a very curious child and loves solving problems. He loves singing and dancing and knows all the lyrics to sooo many songs. Hes very affectionate, he says...
Just watched a tiktok of an old couple laughing - you know one of those situations where you just can’t control or stop laughing - the belly laugh type of thing. It made me realise I haven’t experienced that in a long time… like years! I really don’t remember the last time I had a laugh. I have little giggles with...
He’s 8.5 months old and has 4 teeth, been crawling and pulling himself to stand for months, and he’s been practicing standing unassisted for weeks now! Lately he holds himself up standing unassisted for 5-10 seconds and looks like he wants to walk too! I’m like dude slow down 😭 he doesn’t talk yet but he’s started…
Here is my 16 month old...he's cute but aggressive. When he's mad he starts to harm himself (I've never seen a baby do this before) he goes to pinch his thigh, pulling his hair and ears. When he gets frustrated with me he goes to scratching my chest aggressively. This next part isn't a concern just an add on...When ...
My youngest is 8 months old and has been sitting unaided since 5 months sits and rolls from front to back. He’s started rocking while sitting to try and move and trying to turn to reach objects but since he learnt to roll onto his back he refuses tummy time. He won’t roll from back to front and the second I place hi...
Anyone’s toddler behave in a different way at nursery? We had a meeting with his teachers and told us that our son is throwing big tantrums, not listening, he can’t transition.
My sister lil one is 3m older than mine.. hers started crawling at 6m so was an early bird.. (pretty much at everytjing) but i can't help comparing.. is your lil one crawling yet?
My babe “talks” all the time during the day, she will make like baby dinosaur noises and scream (not like she’s in pain just playfully) and she’s soooo bloody loud that I can’t hear my thoughts 😂 and she will do it for like 30-40 minutes non stop.. my partner works from home and he’s getting distracted by it hahah,…
Hey feb mamas! My little girls speech is delayed and it’s worrying me as I am seeing a lot of children the same age speaking very well and saying a lot! My daughter’s nursery has referred us but the wait list is very long I’m told. My daughter has a very good understanding so understands what I’m Saying and can...
My 14 month old still isn’t walking, does anyone have any ideas how to encourage it. I feel like he’s falling behind and I feel like a bad mum 😫
I’ve suspected my 19 month old had delayed speech since she was about 14 months old but I didn’t want to get ahead of myself. I figured I’d be more proactive and talk to her more, read all the books and sing all the rhymes. TBH I’ve seen progress but it’s definitely slow. We’re starting with a hearing test before pr...
Do anyone's little ones have a bit of a stutter/stammer? I've had a Google and it can be quite normal in toddlers this age I'm just not sure if it's something I need to look into more or not. It's like she can't get her words out and will repeat the same word 5 or 6 times sometimes. Just wondering if anyone else has...