Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

I don't know exactly what I want from this post but I feel so so low that is scary. I feel like i can't even share this with anyone I know. I keep crying and hurts my heart my baby just stares at me as if she knows mummy is not well.

I don't know what to do or if this is even normal ... It's like I'm slowly giving up on life. This is not only affecting me mentally but also physically as I barely sleep, baby wakes up countless time during the night. I'm so so tired and feel so lonely 😭


Health anxiety

Does anyone suffer with health anxiety? I had a traumatic birth which has left me with such bad health anxiety🫠



Hello, I’m just wondering if anyone has any advice or is in the same boat. I’m really struggling with my anger outbursts. It seems to be getting worse. Last night for example, my little girl woke up and she wouldn’t stop screaming, I tried to calm her down but she wasn’t having any of it. I couldn’t understand why ...


Bd moved on??

How to deal with the fact my bd is seeing someone new? We’d been together 3 years, have a 6 month old and only broke up official 2 months ago. My whole world feels like it’s come crashing down. I am in so much pain. My mental health is in the trash. I have images of him and this girl together and it breaks my hea...


bf sleeps while i take care of our newborn baby after i got re hospitalized 🥲

not even a week after our newborn was born i got very sick and had to call an ambulance to send me back to the hospital. i was fevering so bad, my whole hurt and i was both so hot and cold, i couldn’t stop shaking so hard even if i ached. that night was horrible and so was the morning after because while my bf slep...


How bad is it

I lost my dad over the weekend and have been crying/sobbing and sometimes it happens when I’m feeding my 13m old (EBF). Is this going to damage her emotionally? I know she’s too young to understand why/what happened but I know she can see/sense my sadness. I feel like such a terrible mom


How would you feel if your terminally ill niece said this to you?

Ok first a little back story.. my husbands oldest niece is 19 and came out as bi to her mom awhile back. She has a brain tumor that she has battled for years and at this point there is no more treatment options and it’s growing too fast and was given just weeks to live. I have never had much of a relationship with...


Health and death anxiety.

Does any other mothers suffering from extreme health anxiety and death anxiety? Not just for myself but for my children? Any slight cough, cold, vomit and I'm spiralling. I lay in bed every night and all my thoughts are that I'm going to die one day and I will be gone for eternity and there's not a thing I can not...


When to shave

How long are we waiting to shave downstairs again. I’m 3.5 weeks postpartum and desperately want to give her some tlc but I’m worried about the stitches/wound


Mum guilt

Does anyone else get constant, ridiculous mum guilt over literally everything? I feel guilty over the smallest things like if I leave a softplay early I’ll feel horrendous about it for the rest of the day. My worst one at the minute is that we’re having a little boy in April, at first I was absolutely over the moon ...


Postpartum mom care

Hi mommas! Question for those who have had their babies: what are you doing in terms of postpartum care? I’m about a week post having my little boy and really feel like my bleeding has lessened, but I’m still wearing heavy pads and diapers and doing wotch hazel/ dermaplast… some of the bulk is starting to be irritat...



Anyone else just staring at their baby all day long and feel so many emotions? I am literally crying from happiness and gratitude, she is all I ever wanted and more. 🥹😭


Absolutely broken

baby girl got discharged home 2 days ago after a 3 day hospital stay (birth then monitored) and not even 48 hours later we were back in hospital due to her jaundice markers raising. I can’t stop crying and the mum guilt is breaking me. I know she’s in the best place and I know there’s nothing more I can do. I know...


24 weeks pregnant

Hello I’m struggling to come to terms that I’m a single mum, my daughter’s dad has completely abandoned us. The breakdowns had stopped for a while but I find myself having panic attacks again and the tears won’t stop This is my first baby I’m overwhelmed and overstimulated I don’t know to do, I don’t have any suppor...


Postpartum anxiety

Anyone else struggle with post partum anxiety related to their own health ? I've never experienced this before kids, but it's so bad now.


Postpartum hair loss disaster

Having real bad postpartum hair loss anxiety, as you can see I'm bleach blonde have been for 15 years really don't want to go brown but in such a predicament wether to highlight my hair, is this breakage or hair loss at the front? I'm worried highlighting will cause more breakage, normally my hairs fine with bleach ...


Does anyone have any positive/good postpartum stories?

I’m just wondering if everyone feels stressed and overwhelmed once they give birth, does anyone feel like their best self, confident etc? Cos I’m looking forward to feeling confident after giving birth but don’t know if it’s unrealistic 🤣


I would like--- someone like me...

A mom comments "I give my child everything I never had as a child. And NOW!!! he is so bratty and ungrateful ughhh!!!!' What do you think is the truth behind the moms emotions: A. Mom: 'I am not doing the healing work for myself or my inner child. my inner child is witnessing my child get the things I wish I ha...



How’re you all dealing with MILs/grandmas that want to do things with your baby for the first time without you? Example, taking your baby somewhere that you nor your baby has been but she still insists on taking them by herself. Okay, she doesn’t insist on taking my babies somewhere by herself for their first time b...


I feel bad…

I feel bad that I’m acting so different in my 2nd pregnancy. I do love this unborn baby, but I don’t feel like I’m doing as much for the baby. It’s like nesting doesn’t exist for me. I’m EXHAUSTED 24/7 with house work and taking care of my toddler. How do I snap out of this?


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