November 2022 babies✨❤️

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November 2022 babies✨❤️

Group for mama’s due in/around November 2022

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a in Parties & celebrations

what date is your toddler birthday x

mine little ones is on the 20th of November. x p.s it's fun to have other toddlers who share the same day xx

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K in Baby digestion

What works well for you for toddlers constipation? I've tried...

I've tried... prunes, dates, pears, apples, lots of drink incl Decaf tea and coffee. What else do you recommend? Xx

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a in Other

drops/vitamins for toddlers

heyy mamas, what drop or vitamins do you give to your little ones? it's really confusing as there's one to many in the pharmacy's😩

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K in Baby sleep

Anyone elses babies going through sleep regressions atm??

Our one is wide awake at around 12.30am lately... no change in naps etc just usual one nap at 10.30am'ish. Bedtime at 7pm... he usually sleeps through 7-7 so very not used it... only 3rd night of it but mymy 🙈

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S in Baby & toddler food


Can anyone give me tips and tricks on how to get my 1 year old stubborn daughter to eat food!? Ever since she was a baby she would refuse to eat and to this day she is still like that! She will refuse water, juice and pediasure! The only thing she is intaking is her whole milk! I never had to deal with this with my ...

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