Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.

Anyone up to talk?

Feeling uneasy over something that happened with mil and need talk to someone because I'm not sure it's me overthinking or what she did is wrong


Blessed & Highly favored

I just want to share how blessed I am and how good life has been going for me atm 🙏🏽😊 •Ive recently started working the perfect remote job which is part time so I can focus on being a SAHM & make so income on the side •Im taking my driving test this month after so long so I can finally drive legal and not just…



I’m so tired! I work as if I didn’t have a baby. I take care of baby and home as if I didn’t work. Husband is always thinking I have someone else as if I had the time or energy to care for that. I’m exhausted. I have no friends, I have no emotional support, I’m always giving so I can prove that I love them. I feel s...


I feel so alone.

I have no friends or family that I can talk to that isn't always so negative about EVERYTHING. Even my boyfriend is SUPER negative lately and it's just bringing me down and I want to do is cry.


Mum friends!

I’m feeling a little lonely. I have a 9 month old and feel like I don’t have anyone to hang out with/talk with. Any groups or mums locally feeling the same?



I'm at the point where I just want to turn my house upside down. Smash everything. Scream. Holler and cry Beat myself up and never return.


Non mum friends

Anyone else really struggling with your friends that don’t have kids? I adore my friends and want so badly to keep a great relationship with them, but my goodness it is hard. I feel like they make so little effort in comparison to how much they used to, and often don’t really think about the impracticalities of do...


Mixed feelings

Im in my early 20s and currently 24 weeks pregnant, and the closer it gets to my due date the more I feel like I’m not gonna be a good mum. I’m so excited to meet our baby girl in September and we’ve buying so much stuff for her, but at times I regret keeping the pregnancy because I miss my pre-pregnancy life. None ...


Anyone else feel like this?

Once you’ve experienced something, you have to move on and not look back. I’ve lived in many places, visited many and have had lots of jobs etc. I just came across a girl I used to live with years ago. We did seasonal work together in a deserted country town. I haven’t seen her or spoken to her since we left but I d...


Feeling lost

Does anyone just feel so lost and feel they have no friends and just stuck in a rut of motherhood and work... I'm 41 with 5 kids, a young 41 in my eyes, love a good laugh and banter but just feel like ask my friends are busy with their own lives and I'm stuck in a whirlwind of depression.



Hoping this reaches other like-minded mamas out there, but ever since moving here to Oregon I feel like it’s been so hard to make friends. And now with a baby it’s even harder. I’ve been so emotional these last few months and really could use a good friend. Someone who is interested in having days where we just hang...


Self care

Decided I needed to treat myself before baby boy comes! It was much needed!


Can anyone relate?

So I’m 40+1 and I’ve had such a fed up day… I’m honestly sick of people ringing and texting asking if baby is here. Even though intentions are good and people are just excited I’m feeling so emotionally deflated and just want to meet my baby now. Every time someone asks me if she’s here yet just upsets me.


Working mums

I am feeling so disconnected to myself and my baby as Ive just returned to work full time. I feel incredibly sick at the thought of this potentially affecting my bond with my baby, I'm in shock like where has the year gone. I miss being with my baby 247😭😭😭😭 don't know what to do feel like I'm failing as a mother


Self-Doubt: Is it you or is it them?!🫣

Self-Doubt: Is it you or is it them?!🫣 Bless those who support you & bless those who don’t…It says NOTHING about you either way. This is why self-sourcing validation is so powerful…If you need the applause from others to stay motivated, you’re going to be frustrated often….Especially if you own a business. Stop…

Darcel Being

Am I the only one??

Hi everyone, I have a question that I am a bit embarrassed to ask but it is something that plays on my mind and I need a bit of help at the moment… For some reason, I have an issue with going to any international cities that my partner has already been to with his exes. It sounds silly now I am verbalising it but...



Do you involve this in your daily routine of self care?


Do you ever miss your old life before kids?

My LO is loved and has everything they need. I just sometimes grieve my old life? Am I a bad mum because I don’t feel like this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me? Idk am I missing something 😣🤷🏼‍♀️


Do you ever miss your old life before kids?

Don’t get me wrong I love my LO and they have everything they need. I just mourn my old life sometimes. Being a SAHM is really tough some days. Not sure if this is the right word but I don’t feel very fulfilled?


So sad

Anyone else super down and depressed in pregnancy, I’m almost 17 weeks and spend most days crying. I’ve realised I have no one supporting me besides my husband and unfortunately he works all random shifts with some being overnight and it absolutely breaks my heart. I feel lonely, sad the lot. If anyone else feels t...


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