Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.
I need tips on how to get some time for myself without help. I see other advice saying to get help from friends or family but I don’t have anyone 😭 she goes to school but I have to work so I feel like I truly get no time for myself
Anyone new to being a single mom.. and struggling with depression and anxiety so much that you can't seem to be positive and take any input about what you do with your child or anything in a negative way. I can't seem to get these negative glasses off. . I live with my mom and I am grateful I have somewhere...
I feel so depressed and foggy and wish I could sleep my life away.. why does life have to be so shitty? I just want to be happy..
Do any of you ever feel lonely after having a baby. As in the freedom has reduced? I feel like I don’t have much going for myself anymore. I’ve left my job from maternity leave and I’m just sat at home all day and watch over family members who have things going on for themselves
Anyone has time to private message in really need of a different perspective or positivity
Examples: vax vs anti vax, left wing vs right wing, co sleeping vs sleep training etc.. I feel I often see people say that each person is entitled to their opinion, but then they are nasty to someone who has an opposing opinion to them. Do you find this? Or do you feel this about yourself? That if someone doesn’t ...
I really want to better myself and do a training course or go college , thr trouble is I have 2 under 2 and I just can't afford the childcare, They're father is around but works all day, I've also just moved area, so nice no friends and my family we don't talk so I feel in limbo...m Is anyone else finding that th...
Any stay at home moms just get lonely? Like I know I’m not alone because I have my 17month old & my 2 month old but I just feel lonely especially because my husband works out of state.
So, I’ve made some amazing friends through this app and now have a little friend group to spend time with and I love them don’t get me wrong but all of them are still with their partners. Sometimes they will complain about their partners not doing anything or how they’re so tired and need a break from them. And I fe...
I have a partner, a child who is almost 2 and currently found out expecting again but my gosh I feel so alone at the moment and not appreciated by him, barely talks half time so my only conversations are with my child which melts my heart but an adult conversation would be nice Is it normal to feel this way sometimes?
I’m just sad that the relationships I once had are no longer . As a first time mom I feel so lonely. I try not to think about it but it bothers me so much . I cry about it all the time. When they do ask how I am , I give them the normal “I’m ok” knowing their absence hurts me. I was once pregnant and decided to not ...
I’ve been feeling super lonely and found myself crying a few times a day. The adjustment for me to motherhood hasn’t come easy. I love my daughter so much but find myself grieving my old life. I need some mum friends to catch up with.
How do I get time to myself a few times a day when my kid will not leave me alone all day.
I mean really. What more does he need to do to prove that he lied to you about making your lives better.
when pampering yourself which is the most important to you?
When you pass do you want a funeral or just cremation? Does it matter to you?
•Objectivism: This philosophy holds that objective reality, absolute reason, individualism, and laissez-faire capitalism are fundamental principles (aka I’ve never thought about it, life just is how it is) •Determinism: This philosophy holds that people are unable to make any other decision or perform any other a...
I’m a 23 yr old SAHM and I’m really starting to feel like I’m losing myself. I’m beyond blessed with my baby and husband, I just don’t feel like I recognize myself anymore. I have incorporated exercising into my daily routine which helps a little but that’s sometimes the only time I save for myself. There’s some day...
Anyone feeling depressed lately , stay at home mama and just not feeling well idk why
Some people have good opinions about you, and some have bad; how do you feel about that?