Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Shopping & Home.
So I’m torn between a toy kitchen, a Power Wheels ATV or Trampoline for Christmas/Birthday ideas. What would you choose?
Do you and your significant other set a budget for how much you’ll spend on each other for Christmas?
Has anyone given their midwife a thank you gift? Can I please have some ideas of thoughtful gifts? I don’t think a box of chocolates will do it when they’ve literally made one of the most memorable moments in your life the best it could possibly be. ❤️
I’m trying to order a gift for my friend but cannot find it anywhere on canadian websites. It’s Baileys Chocolat Luxe - any ideas how to get it shipped to Canada?
Just wondering how your family goes about it
If you celebrate🎄🎅🏼🤶❤️💚
Hey everyone. I'm just putting a list together for things people can buy as presents for my little boy. He obviously doesn't need anything yet so I'm trying to be practical and start getting things that will benefit him through the year. What are you putting on your lists for relatives to get your little ones? Tha...
My LG will be nearly 2.5Y and I’ve heard letting the baby gift them something in hospital or when first meeting helps! What should we get? I’m thinking she will bring him a gift too, maybe his first Jellycat bunny or something small but his gift to her can be something else
Is anyone doing a Christmas eve box for their LO this year? Inspo for what to put in it?? We do allow things like chocolate as a rare treat so some small recommended goodies but don't want it all to be food based
What's everyone getting their lo for Christmas or asking family for? My family keep asking me what to get her and I'm honestly clueless 😅
I’m struggling what to buy my little girl for Christmas, I don’t want to buy her things for the sake of buying. I want more thing that’ll she’ll concentrate with while playing so more like montessori I obviously don’t mind plastic toys but I feel like they just get shoved away and forgotten about She already has a...
Would you buy a car from an auction?
What gifts are y’all thinking about getting your littles for Christmas. 🤍
Did you give your toddler a gift when you brought the new baby home, or are you planning on it? Is this a thing? I'm due in December and want the introduction to baby sister to be as pleasant as possible. Or if you have any other ideas!
I'm thinking of selling bespoke mugs/cups. Does anyone have any tips/advice?
What’s everyone getting there June 2023 babies for Xmas?! Xx
So my daughter’s first birthday is coming up, which I have been preparing for for weeks! Her birthday is a day after mine which I honestly love. But today we got a package in the mail from my in laws (who are VERY well off). They’ve always been so good to my daughter, this year I saw the presents they got her and th...
What’s everyone getting there little ones for Christmas, I’m so stuck😩
Struggling to think of ideas of what to put in my son’s Christmas Eve box 🎅🏻 currently have the box, reindeer dust, a Christmas book, plush toy, jingle bells stick and a nice list certificate. Any other ideas? It’s for sentiment for years to come!
What is everyone getting their child for Christmas? Xxx