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Has anyone has any luck with getting their IVF meds prescription cheaper than your clinic have quoted? If so where did you get them from?
Very confused 🫤 according to my clear blue digital ovulation test I ovulated this week ( the past two days were peak)I did ovulate later than usual by about a week. Last period was November 23rd…… did a pregnancy test as I was feeling sick,is this positive ?!
3 days late no period and negative tests should I of had a positive by now ?
I am 7 days past a 5 day embryo transfer. I got a strong positive test yesterday on a clearblue early response but a negative today on a cheap not early detection test. Bloods in a couple of days. Is this okay?
FTM 38 + 4 Last week appt I was 75% effaced and today I’m 60%.. has anyone heard of this? I’m kind of annoyed lol
Hey girls, so it says I’m due for my periods in 9 days but I got a smiley face on the ovulation stick today.. just now. and on top of that I got a positive pregnancy test followed by a negative 3 days ago. and then got a smiley face yesterday followed by a no smiley face after a couple hours then did another ovulati...
So I took like five pregnancy tests today. On had one bright line and the other very faint. Then I did another and it was positive. Then I did three more and they were negative. The first two I did I didn’t pee a lot, I couldn’t keep them in for the set amount of time (five seconds). The last three I had a full blad...
Anyone else 1 DPO and in the same boat as me..
My husband and I have been together for 9 years (married for 1 year). I have a daughter (14 years old) from a previous relationship. We haven't used protection our whole relationship, and I haven't been on birth control since my daughter was 2. He used to say that he can't have kids, hence the reason I haven't gott...
If I'm spotting when I wipe 12 dpo will I get a positive test or should I wait a few days?
Hi girls just a curious one . Currently trying for baby no 2 and tracking my ovulation just curious when is the best time to try for a baby during your ovulation window ? I know the more you try the better the result but I was just curious as I have natural cycles and my ovulation window goes from low fertility to m...
Hi mamas. Currently have a 15 months baby. I noticed I’m four days late with my period and took the pregnancy test and it came back positive. Can anyone tell how far gone I could be? I’m not sure I am ready for another child now as I have a lot going on at large. If I want to not go forward with the pregnancy, ...
Pretty sure it’s negative but my mind is playing lots of tricks this morning !
My son is 17 months old and my husband is ready for a second one. I’m a little nervous. I love my son so much but becoming a mother has been one of the hardest transitions for me. It was hard on me mentally and physically. I would like to have a second kid so that my first born can have a friend and sibling. That is...
When I zoom in on it I feel like I see like a lil shadow of a line trying to appear. Pic within time frame. What do yall think? I can see what I'm describing to u in person just want to know if others can see it
Has anyone undergone an embryo transfer/ivf whilst still breastfeeding? I’m still feeding my 19 month old but we are thinking of transferring our last embryo in the next few months. I can’t see my daughter stopping BF anytime soon but I also don’t want to delay a transfer for too long. I know some clinics like you t...
My son is now 2 and we’ve been trying for 15 months now, is this normal?
Does anyone have this? And what are your experiences with it? I’ve just had baby number 2 and definitely no where near ready for baby number 3..
I was due on my period yesterday and still no sign, when did everyone get a positive pregnancy test! I did a test Monday - a day before my period and was negative! I’m normally on time !
How many days past ovulation can you test for pregnancy?