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Took a test yesterday at 13DPO which is the top one then took one today at 14DPO looks darker than yesterday but I’m so nervous since my last pregnancy hoping this one sticks 🌈❤️ is this an positive progression?
is this a positive pregnancy test its a very faint line hard to see.
My cousin who’s more like a big sister to me has been struggling with infertility for the past 2 years. She’s 41 and has tried every avenue to have a baby on her own. She looked into egg donors but hasn’t successfully found one and I’m considering offering her mine. Curious about your thoughts..?
My period is very regular, I was suppose to get it 2 days ago. I haven’t gotten it yet so I took a pregnancy test. I took one yesterday and today and both are negative. Has this happened to anyone before? Maybe I just need to wait a few more days?
Guys I’m wondering if anyone can help me! I had unprotected sex on 1st of September, I got my period on the 19th which lasted 4 days which is the norm for me! My period for this month hasn’t arrived. ( 4 days late) I surely can’t be pregnant if I haven’t had sex since? I took a test today and it’s negative. I’m goin...
My period is 3 days late, does this look like an early positive?
Hey I am 7 days late. Negative pregnancy test. Would i be seeing positive by now if i was pregnant? Thanks
I know it’s early but would you say this is positive or an indent? I don’t want to get excited just yet 🥲
It looks a very faint line to me after 2 chemicals i am not sure if i should count on this or not. Worried if this is another chemical too. Assuming i am 12dpo.
Finally got a high on LH testing, when is the best time to baby dance? We had only had sex 19th and 22nd (it's the 24th today) and will try again tonight. Would I have a chance to get pregnant from the last 2 days? Xx
Does anyone have an example of BBT chart that turned into a positive pregnancy test? I’m 5DPO and it’s my first time tracking BBT and have no idea what I’m looking out for.
My pregnancy tests have been showing a faint line for 4 days with no progression, I’m wondering if this is a sign of a chemical pregnancy. I’m not due on for another 3 days but with my son it was dark very quickly and got darker each time.
Has this happened to any one else
I’m 16DPO and have done tests for the past few days which are testing positive but no real progression. I hear the digital need more Hcg but here I have a Sainsbury’s test and cheap clear and simple from home bargains. Which do I trust? I’m 3 days late for my AF. Don’t have any pregnancy symptoms to speak of. Had a ...
does this look like an evaporation line or on its way to being positive line? 13 dpo
So my period was late for a week last month but it honestly didn’t feel like a period it feels weird sleeping on my stomach but I’ve peeing and and eating so much I have tested but super faint line when should I actually test???
One test is completely negative but the other has a faint line. I’m 5 days away from my period.. what do you guys think? Xx
Was just told I have PCOS today and I had my daughter seven months ago on Saturday. That being said, could this be a result of having her?
I have low AMH and am considering using an egg donor. I'm really nervous about it, but I think it might be my only hope to have a baby. I'm reaching out to anyone who has used an egg donor to get pregnant. 🙏
Hey ladies, I'm looking into my 4th round of IVF/ ICSI. I was wondering whether anyone had treatment abroad and what your experiences were? I'm 39 and with super low AMH. I'm weighing up whether I should look into having treatment abroad or stick to a clinic in the UK.