Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
I haven’t been feeling 100% over the past few days and I have had some white/creamy discharge.. is this the start of me ovulating? Should I be baby dancing tonight and over the next few days? I haven’t in a week. The app says low but the line is at the darkest than it’s been this cycle? Oh and if it is the start of...
Why is the line going the opposite way? Is it because it’s a cheap test?
Hey everyone. Is my chart looking like I’ve ovulated as my app is saying that it’s not detected a significant rise to confirm ovulation?
Missed peak or probably not ovulated?
hey can someone help me read this? i took this yesterday and im trying to conceive.
Hey is anyone else trying to conceive again? my husband want another one and i was feeling shaky about it but im ready. this my ovulation test from yesterday.. can someone help me read it please
Hi all, I got a positive faint test then done a digital straight after and that was negative. Could my urine be to diluted?
So advice?? I have a 14 month old girl and I am currently studying full time and working part time. And I have really been thinking about baby number two but I Jsut don’t know if I’ll be able to do it?😭😭
One test shows negative, I’m 2 days late on my period. Do u think the right one isn’t working?
Anyone else have the mirena and have anxiety that you will get pregnant again ? I do not want to have another one and my OB said this is the best option for me. I’m almost 2 yrs PP but have only had the IUD for around 6 months
I have 8 days until my period. My pregnancy test came back negative but ovulation test is positive I think. Can someone confirm what does this mean? I don’t usually ovulate late and my periods have all been on time. Very weird🤨😂
Hey! Has anyone used these after coming off of depo provera? I had my last injection back in April last year and haven’t had a period since I know it can take up to two years to completely get out of you systems just looking for something to help things along as I’m dying to try for a 3rd xx
I am two weeks post surgical management. Negative test one week after surgery. Still spotting occasionally throughout the day but barely anything. 1. How long did it take for your period to come back? 2. When did you start trying again? And if so, has it been successful or is it too soon? 🤍
I’ve got a very faint, colourless faint positive on the Easy@Home test. How reliable is that faint positive?
App says no but I swear I can see the start of an outline of a line at the bottom of the test. Inverted pic in comments. Not sure exactly when I ovulated, could be anywhere from 8-11 DPO and period due on Thursday.
Hi everyone so I considered some months back about adoption for my unborn baby, due to the dv situation with my kids father and me being in a shelter. Well I got into a program that’ll cover my rent up to two years. They’ve also been helping me look for apartments and gave me a case worker and my kids really want to...
TTC our 2nd, this is my first month tracking ovulation. I’m 6dpo, experiencing more discharge than I’ve noticed before but I don’t know if I’m just looking for stuff. Any explanations for what this could mean at this point in the cycle?
Ive just found out I likely have PCOS today after a 3D scan at the hospital. I am quite shocked and don't really know where to begin with my journey. We have one precious daughter who is now 2 and a half. We have been trying for another baby since January last year. We had a chemical in April and an ectopic in...
Currently cycle day 10- normally ovulate between dpo 14/15. When’s best to baby dance?
I’m unsure how many DPO I am, but I’m cerrently 4w+4 from my period dates; I’ve been getting digital positives for 3 days now but the lines on some tests are dark & some are so faint you can’t even see them. Has anyone had this before with the clear & simple tests, this was taken at the same time as the boots one ...