Community Posts, Tips & Support on Planning for a Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.

Negative or positive

Yesterday I took a test and I thought I could see a faint line I took another this morning and I can see a line but I don't know if I am or no


Mixed feelings

Is anyone else wanting another baby even though their first isn’t even a year yet ? I don’t know how to explain the feeling it’s like I do but I don’t, I also don’t wanna wait too long if I am going to conceive again…


There a difference btw mom and dad gamers?

As often as you play the game or want to play the game (especially in the newborn-3 year old phase); has anyone ever verbally complained to their partner about having to take care of the baby and made your family feel like a burden?


Pregnant after having a NICU baby

I got a positive test almost after 2 and a half years later. I’m scared for this pregnancy and want it to go full term. Any advice I’m high risk.


Not currently ttc, but sad…. anyone else feel this way?

I feel heart broken knowing every month I have the chance to get pregnant but I’m not💔 Hubby agreed to start trying this spring but I can’t help but feel this sense of sadness and disappointment until then. I’d be ready to start trying now, until then, this is going to be hard



I’m three months post and 2 days late, recently took a test and believe I see a faint line? Can anyone else see it too


Got my positive today!

Had implantation bleeding a couple days ago and today would be first day of period. Will take a test tomorrow as I did take this one and the on in the comments at night (2:30pm and 5pm)


Will I ever ovulate!?

Miscarried last cycle and this is my last chance to try before my husband has to start radiation right after Christmas (and then we’re supposed to wait 4-6 months 😭), but I’m cycle day 16 or 19 today (19 days since miscarried, 16 days since something like a normal period started) and my LH tests are still all…


Trying to convince

After coming off the injection how long did it take for you to fall Pregnant , had my injection 8th September and we have decided to go no contraception and we were wondering how quick people fall pregnant after the jab , Pa this is the one you have every 12 weeks 💗


Finally 🥺I did it

After 2 years trying to get pregnant naturally and 1 year with in vitro fertilization we achieved it 🥺


Non religious god parents

My husband and I are both agnostic but we still want our LB to have a “godparent” like role in his life anyone else on the same boat what do you call them? We had a humanist wedding and our celebrant suggested like a guide parent but that seems a bit naff Also don’t want to get my MIL too excited because she’s sti...


VVVVVVVVFL or evap line?! Taken within 10 minutes

It is 2:45 pm so it's probably not accurate but all my apps say today is th day to start my period and it hasn't. Usually shows by now. But it's there. I swear. It's more obvious that any tests I've taken since my first pregnancy


Its been 15 months

We've been ttc for 15months now, had a chemical in march and a chemical last cycle. I got 2 vvvvvfl today with regular urine not fmu. I really hope it sticks this time. 🙏🙏


Why is our parents generation soo judgemental??

Does anyone else feel like our parents are just so judgemental and critical of how we raise our kids nowadays? Like damn I thought I would be a strict parent until my son got a little older now I'm realizing I want to take a gentler approach than I thought I would. His personality makes it hard to do things the typ...


Is this a late ovulation?

My LH seems to keep upping & dipping, even though it’s low? Testing twice a day too. My original ovulation date was predicted on CD15 and now it’s guessing it’ll be CD18. I will keep testing to find my peak but is it normal to ovulate later in the cycle and fall pregnant? My cycles are between 27-30 days and CD1...


Jealous and impatient

just want to vent. I’m now testing negative after a miscarriage and just ready to try again but my OB won’t give me the green light until after I’ve had a period to help with timing. I tried explaining that bc my cycles vary in length my period isn’t a helpful predictor of when I’ll ovulate anyway and I have to use ...


Pregnancy test

Hey ladies, I just did a pregnancy test at 1:30pm and my result came as positive... I am just curious and wondering if it is accurate since I didn't do it in the morning... what do you think? I'll try again tomorrow in the AM next praying it's true >_< !


Does anyone know the sort of timeline for a frozen embryo transfer?

I’m trying to do it on a natural cycle, so have to email the clinic on day 1, then I’m not sure when I will need to have a scan etc. Anyone been though this? X


Early pregnancy and asprin

So iv jusy found out I'm 4 weeks pregnant, but recently 2 months ago I had my 4th MC and someone told me now that I'm pregnant to start using asprin, but others are telling me not to use asprin as it can interfere with implantation.. Have you used asprin before and successfully had a full length pregnancy?



Month 5, 2 week wait starts again… let’s go! Anyone else a bundle of nerves around this time of their cycle? I just want my positive to stay positive… I’ve had 2 chemicals since we started trying 😞


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