Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
Is this definitely a positive?
This is positive right?
Before my baby was born, my partner and I shared rules with immediate family for being around our newborn, at least for the first 21 days of his life. I'm usually a bit of a people-pleaser so setting these boundaries was actually kinda difficult for me. My baby is now 11 days old, and some family friends are wantin...
How is ovulation during your postpartum? I’ve been having a ton of eggwhite discharge for over 6 days now. Which is not normal for me. :0
I tested 10 dpo and got a few vfl with the Premom next day I tested and they are neg . Anyone else have gotten false positives with Premom test or was it an indent line ?
We been trying since she turned 6 months she is now 14 months why does it feel harder to get pregnant this time around .
I can't cum sometimes because I'm an overthinker and have had trauma So I get it but.. still.. wwyd?! I'm starting to chat with ppl again to see what's out there
Just wondered what people's experiences were? Successful or not? How many did you have? Any other info / advice? Thanks :) x
Is this line fainter than it should be at this time? With my daughter the line was much darker (also through IVF). This is our last Embryo and captured in the timeframe and so hoping it is all ok 🤞
I have a big question for those who started or have more babies after 40 how difficult was to get pregnant again? I am asking because I had my baby 8 months ago by c section and I do want to have on more but I am afraid it will take longer and honestly I will like to have my last baby before 45 😟
I found out I was pregnant on Thursday (4w5d) after previously testing negative on Monday. I should be 5 weeks tomorrow but my tests don’t seem to be getting darker at all. I also only got 1-2 weeks on a clear blue yesterday. I’ve not had any bleeding or anything, but the lack of line progression is worrying me, I’...
Any advice welcome - I’m currently 4+2 after TTC for 15 months. In the lead up to being pregnant I found out I had low progesterone. Was 25nmol when you need a minimum of 30nmol. I’m really concerned I’ll miscarry if it doesn’t go high enough. Anyone suffered from the same? I don’t think NHS will give me progesteron...
Starting second ivf cycle. Any cycle buddies?
Hello I have been told by 3 people that i don’t have line eyes and there is a very very faint line ! Thoughts?
Period started a couple of days ago, and now started estrogen. I had IVF 2 years ago and that gave me my beautiful little girl. IVF with a toddler feels so different! Anyone else just started? Or doing IVF with a toddler at the moment? xx
I read most commonly it is 28 days, but can range from 21-35 days. I just wonder as it's slightly shorter in length, is the possibility less.
I took 3 pregnancy tests at 11dpo- im all in my head, could these be evaporation lines? I don't want to get excited and their just evaporation lines!
Did two tests at the same time not sure though what the results are
App says I'm 5 weeks. Is this worrying? It has been faint for 6 days now.
Hear me out cause I think I’m actually going insane. I have a huge fear of having a cryptic pregnancy / being pregnant and not knowing it. I have a 9 month old baby and I EBF. I haven’t had my periods back since I’m breastfeeding up until last month (December) where I had my first “cycle” back. I’m due on again like...