Community Posts, Tips & Support on Planning for a Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.

15 DPO

14/15 DPO, still haven’t started my period. Pregnancy tests have been negative. Is there still a chance I could be pregnant or would my tests of been positive at this point?


Chemical? False positive?

Had this faint positive two days ago but tests today look negative :/ does this mean it was a false positive? Or could I be having a chemical? Still no sign of AF and bbt is still above the cover line. I’m also not experiencing any pain or cramping like I did with my chemical in May.


Period after MC?

How long did it take for your period to come back? On the day of my miscarriage, my levels were quite low. I was testing negative a week later. It’s been around four weeks since the MC and no sign yet of a period.


How often?

How often are you having sex when TTC? Every day, every other day, twice a day, something else? And what worked for you? I'm still waiting for my BFP. ☹️


Starting IVF Stims

Hi ladies, I had my down regulation injection last month and I am about to start my stims injections in two days. I am excited to start this journey but also anxious. I have PCOS and I’m anxious about OHSS. Do you have any advice you could offer me on what I should/shouldn’t be doing/eating etc? I have been doing t...



Anyone else get so much more annoyed around that time of the month than they used to? I also have PCOS so never actually had periods before, these have returned in the last 6 months and oh my god! I am either super emotional or I want to kill my husband for literally everything!



I’m 10 days late for my period, I had accidental unprotected sex on the 24th November and took the morning after pill on the 25th November but I’m wondering if if actually worked or not🥴I have a 5 month old baby and not ready for the second just yet! Has anyone else been in the same situation? Going to buy a test…


BD now or tomorrow?

Hubby is asleep and I’ve taken an ovulation test. Do I wake him now or will tomorrow afternoon/evening be okay? We did BD last night so I’m hoping later tomorrow will be fine?


Evap? Or positive?

I looked around 2 mins and didn’t see anything. 15 minutes this… evap? 👀😫


Should I take another test or just wait?

Hey everyone, my period is 4 days late and I am trying not to stress about it even though it’s not working. To calm my anxiety I took a pregnancy test last night and it came out negative. But I am still concerned about why my period hasn’t started for the month. My last few periods had been a day or so late but I’m ...


How hard is baby no2?

I’m thinking about having another baby. I struggled a lot with the first, I had post natal depression and found everything so difficult, my Mat leave was a year of trying to survive. I’ve just got to a place where life is ok but I like the idea of my little girl having a friend. Everyone tells me the 2nd is easier…....


Advice please 7DPO

Please don’t judge me but I have been testing since like 2 or 3 DPO. I can’t help myself I want this so much. I am currently aprox 7 days away from my period and Flo recommends doing a test in 6 days. When could I expect a sooner positive pregnancy test? I bought the really expensive clear blue ones today which are ...


Some please confirm this is negative 😂

I have a 4 month old, I’ve got like eyes and I’m overthinking!!! I’m technically due on in 4 days but this is an early test 😂


Job interview rejection

Ugh. I’m trying to find a new job. I had an interview last week, I thought it went well. There were some red flags like asking me if I had kids during my interview, or if bc I had kids do I have reliable child care or would I call off alot, and it was a bunch of older women and 2 doctors. I didn’t get the job. Proba...


How dark can the line get?

Does anyone know how dark the line can actually get on a test? I’ve been watching the progression, but at some point it must max out on what the test is capable of, right?


Do these tests dry darker?

Does anyone know if these tests dry darker? It was looking negative, but now looks like there's something there. Got shadows on Wondfo as well, but negative on first response. These are the easy at home sticks.


Difference in opinion with partner

Has anyone else struggled with agreeing on things with their partner for when baby is born? I have said I would not be comfortable with family kissing baby, he said that is being too protective and will let them. I also would not want everyone holding baby the first few weeks only immediate family and close frie...


FET support

I’ve now had 3x FET, the first was negative, the second I got a faint positive on testing day but on testing a couple of days later it was negative, and my test day was today for our 3rd and it was negative. We have one more blastocyst frozen, I just wondered whether anyone had any tips/advice? It’s hard not to lose...


Negative or positive

Yesterday I took a test and I thought I could see a faint line I took another this morning and I can see a line but I don't know if I am or no


Mixed feelings

Is anyone else wanting another baby even though their first isn’t even a year yet ? I don’t know how to explain the feeling it’s like I do but I don’t, I also don’t wanna wait too long if I am going to conceive again…


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