Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

10 days late

I can very clearly see the positive on the top but I’m not sure about the bottom



This is very negative, isn’t it? I know it’s early to test but I see lots of ladies saying they got their positive at 8 days.


Positive pregnancy test?

Does this look positive or negative? The second line seems so thin.


Has anyone gotten a false negative ?

My period is 9 days late I tested at one day late and 5 days and both negative but I’m nauseous and rlly tired and I don’t see another reason my period would be late has anyone gotten a false negative? When should I test again?


My 18 year Olds test

So my 18 yr old daughter came to me saying there's a possibility that she could be pregnant based solely on symptoms. So I had some test on hand and showed her how to perform the test and even walked her thru it step by step. She urinated in a cup, I tested her urine with a wondfo test and layed it down and set the ...


When is 1dpo ?

Day after positive lh test or 2 days after positive lh test ?


Preg test

I've attached a picture regarding my post. Any comments will be greatly appreciated


Chemical pregnancy

Hi ladies, I have just started bleeding from my chemical pregnancy my period was due on Thursday but I didn’t come on and I had positive and now negative and now I’m bleeding… would this bleed be classed as my period?


I know I’m being silly

I’m 9dpo today and had a negative test this morning. I know it’s still really early but I can’t help but feel a little discouraged and nervous. Again I know I’m being silly I guess I just needed to let it out to someone 😕


6 DPO & LH rising

So I’m 6 DPO and took LH tests both positive. What does this mean? More pics in comments


Clear blue

I always hear about these tests having dye run etc but please before I get ahead of myself can someone confirm this is indeed a positive result


Girls… I am so confused! 😫😭😭

Wednesday I done a test and it come back positive, I then took another test the next morning with FMU and the liner was fainter but I also took a digital along side that said “pregnant 1-2”… so Yesterday I brought 2 99p tests from home bargains and there was hardly a line there so I don’t another digital and it said...


10 dpo… negative?

First month trying after surgical management in March. I tested this morning at what I think is 10 dpo. Do you see anything?


Late period, negative pregnancy test but ovulated. Help please

So I’m trying to conceive but usually only have 24/25 day cycles, according to the clear blue ovulation tests I ovulated 19 days ago, but still no period and pregnancy test is still negative 5 days after period was due. Starting to worry about my fertility given I’m 35. Anyone know what could be going on?


Negative at 13DPO am I out?

Has anyone tested positive past this time frame? Negative this morning, period due Tuesday


Positive or negative?

Looking for best time to have sex 🤣🤣


Earliest positive pregnancy test

Just curious what DPO your earliest positive pregnancy test was? I want to hear your stories! 💕


TWW blues

I’m 10 dpo today and I’m still testing negative. I got a little shadow on a test yesterday, but nothing since then. I know I’m not “out” until AF comes, but I’m just feeling so discouraged. I see so many people on here getting positives at 8 and 9 dpo, and I’m losing hope that I’m going to get my bfp this cycle.


Pregnancy tests

Hi I took a clear blue test it came back positive 1/2 weeks now it’s vanished I took another test(pink line test) it’s came back negative will Telford and Wrekin give me a emergency scan to confirm it’s sending me in a dark hole I don’t know what to do anymore


Pregnancy test

I took a pregnancy test yesterday it said pregnant 1/2 week now it says nothing it’s just cleared I took a pink dye test and it’s came back negative but the ones befor the clear blue was faint positives 😭😭😭


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