How to handle different parenting
Having a hard time lately with parenting in the household my husband and I have two different views
I am a more gentle parent and he is more harsh in my opinion. Our son is 2, and there’s a lot of outside stresses in general right now- my husband works full time, I’m a SAHM, we have a 2 year old, a 12 week old puppy, I’m due with our second child currently 35 weeks, we have a new house which has been renovated and we certainly have debt at this point from what we did to the house to get to where we are now- so to say we’re in an okay head space is few and far between lately. We have kind of been at odds with one another because of all this stress but we both know it’s a temporary situation and we will get thru it.
Anyway long story I told- he thinks I baby our son and I think he is too harsh and has little to no patience with him. Any suggestions on how to come to a middle ground or just suggestions I’m general to help us in this time. Much appreciated.
*for instance today I got a little triggered because our son is in a hitting phase right now (hitting/kicking/pinching/biting) and our dog is a puppy and has puppy teeth and he’s bite-y and they sometimes play well together and other times it’s almost impossible to have them be near each other because they both won’t listen- so anyway our son twice i had hit my husband and he said “what is wrong with you” and I just couldn’t help but get triggered because I think that to myself a lot and I don’t want my sons inner voice to be telling him that *
I totally understand. You’re a great mom for being conscious of that and how that will affect your son. Do you think you husband would be open to reading up on some psycho educational material on the subject?