Baby Bunny’s

Ugh we just had such a scare my husband unknowingly slammed the ball on the floor for the dogs to play with and we heard a cry coming from the ground —- it ended up being two baby bunny’s in a burrow 😭 they are safe and healthy but I didn’t know how common that was until now. We dropped them off at the Naples zoos conservatory bc the mom didn’t come back for them last night. Have any of you guys ever dealt with this ? I had no idea that it’s a shallow burrow and when I asked the lady at the conservatory she said many times landscapers don’t know either … idk if this an awareness post or just sheer shock post. Be vigilant !
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Hello GGE Andrea, I’m also from Golden Gate estate, I’m on the ME side. I think I I remember they com back but it may not be that night. I used to take care of bunnies or abandoned bunnies and other animals. But if you took the to the Naples Zoo  conservancy they should be fine. They have to tools and Capability to take care of them. Good luck, hope to see you again on here!

Ops NE side lol

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