Being Induced on Friday and I am downright terrified!!

Beyond excited to welcome our little miracle into the world in a few more days… But I am suddenly super nervous about labour and delivery, how and when my body will recover (it’s been an extremely difficult pregnancy), and also how I will find the physical and emotional energy to cope with what lies ahead!. I have a great support system, so it’s more about me and questioning my capabilities… I’m sure I’m just having a moment, but I could really use some real talk and also some encouragement! Thank you 🙏
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As someone who was induced I can tell you the best part of it all is when they hand your baby. Labour is one of those really unpredictable thing, the thought that I held through it all was that I will get to hold him after everything is over. What type of induction are you doing? Also you've got this!

I havent personally had a baby but I just wanted to let you know that it's okay to feel overwhelming emotions and thoughts. Remember that everything you have ahead of you, will be dealt with one minute at a time. You have made through so much already! Lean on your support system and take everything in stride.

I'm no mom yet, but maybe go through the process in your head and make peace with it? Like imagining the feeling of whatever induction method you'll have and how your body will likely react to it, play it through in your head and when you feel comfortable with it or feel your tension go away, go over to the next thing you think you'll experience. Also the things you fear, like plan Bs land Cs etc. I don't know if this sound stupid for moms that have given birth already. This is at least something I'll try once I get closer to dd :) Either way, you will make it and in the end you'll have your baby in your arms. ❤️

@Sarah sounds like it will be Foley bulb induction

@Sarah thank you so much for your reply 💗 yes, can’t wait to hold my lil munchkin

@Franziska I LOVE this suggestion!! Like a combo of cognitive behavioural/exposure therapy I’m gonna do this 💗

@Evangelene such kind words of encouragement and a great reminder in a time when my confidence was a little shaken Thank you 🙏

I got the cervidil induction and the nice part about the foley will be you won't have to go home and come back again once it's done. Also heads up there are ways that they can make the internals less painful if they are, you can ask for laughing gas or numbing gel! If you are delivering at the Sturgeon as well there are some really kind nurse's there! Biggest thing is relax as much as you can.

@Sarah thank you so much for the suggestions!! I will def ask for the gel and laughing gas ❤️ I’m delivering at the RAH because it’s high risk, but I have a lot of trust in my obgyn which is a huge relief

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