SMA Soya

My 6 week old has a mix of breast milk during the day and formula at night and we have just transitioned her from cows milk formula to SMA soya this week (about 4/5 days ago). Two nights in a row now she’s got puffy eyes, a bit snuffly and an eczema looking rash down the side of her face and under eyes. I know there is soy in the cows milk formula we were feeding her so surely it can’t be a soy allergy. Has anyone else had this experience with the SMA soya? Of course it could be another allergy entirely but the timing seems to point to the new formula
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They don't encourage the use of Soya with babies as there is too much oestrogen, I found that either using a lactose free formula or going and getting a cows milk free formula from the doctor worked best, there's trace amounts of animal byproducts but it's all that I could find that worked. Once my son turned 1 I transitioned him onto the alpro oat follow on milk x

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