I did all nights in my own (with my mum sleeping in the spare bedroom) but I won’t lie, first weeks are very hard. I was a wreck emotionally wise and having someone looking after me was a blessing. Also I had an emergency C-section and couldn’t move on my own too much… I would say yes, it is possible but it’s also harder. If they’re willing to sleep on the air mattress for a few days I would definitely take the help :) But remember you’re stronger than you think!!!
I've done it three times alone from day 1 and honestly I loved it, bonding time, on our schedule Bliss And I still had to get up and cook, do school runs etc You just get on with it when there's no other option and with being a SMBC you know from the start you're doing it alone
Thanks everyone, apart from one night when I had family claiming I clearly can't cope without support and to move closer to them, we have been thriving and have been up and about for a while now. I was so well prepared I didn't need to be worried.
See! We are capable of so much more than we believe 😍😍
My mom booked an Airbnb nearby. I prefer to not have overnight guests because it disrupts routines, and makes it harder to establish new ones.