When can you finally do sexy time normally?

My SD is 4. We get her every other week and sometimes the mood hits when she’s here. She is so clingy to her dad and we never get the chance to sleep together in our bed because she won’t sleep without him. We have a 6.5 month old together too who’s exclusively breast fed. So he sleeps with me. I guess my question is, are we doomed to have quick bathroom sex for the next 18 years? When does the “cling” end?
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My 6 year old stepdaughter is still up the ass of her daddy when she’s here lol but we have gotten her to sleep in her own bed now. But we have a 5 month old that’s with us. If he is sleeping we will go to the living room to have some longer intimate time but that’s really it

I’m still new to being a step mom but if you get both of the babies on the same nap time schedule you can get your intimacy time then.

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