Asking for prayers over a sick loved one

Hello everyone, I’m asking for prayers for my step grandfather Gil… He was unresponsive in the car on the way home from seeing his doctor which the doctor said he was fine and to have a nice summer. On his way home he threw up and became unresponsive. My dad did chest compressions until the ambulance came.. they got his pulse back on route to the hospital. He has critical heart failure and he had a heart attack in the car. He is paralyzed already from his waist down but can move his head, right hand and right leg. He doesn’t speak but tries to. Right now he’s on life support, so far they say no brain damage but I need prayers for him to be okay.. wether it’s to wake up and be ok again or to go to heaven without suffering anymore.. I don’t know if it’s selfish but I’ve learned that I shouldnt keep praying to keep loved ones here who are indeed suffering .. am I wrong for that💔.. my grandma needs prayers for strength as well.. I feel hopeless and I don’t know how to feel or even if should pray for him to make a quick recovery without any damage but I know deep down .. it’s hard to say that he will actually be okay.. My family and I need prayers and I need guidance please and words of advice. I’m also 13 weeks pregnant and afraid to put this stress on my baby.. Thank you in advance May God bless you all
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Sending love and prayers! If he is headed towards heavenly home, please get a priest to do the last rites and apostolic pardon. While you wait, the “Three Beautiful Prayers for the Dying” are truly beautiful and comforting. If it is not his time, I pray for healing and strength to get through this. 🙏❤️


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