I've ended up having a c section it'd be worth trying the ball trick
I’ve also got oil for perineal massage but not even attempted it! Did you end up with a c section because of baby’s position?
I am feeling a bit like this too @ 39+ 4 but woke up this morning and decided to stop going overboard with everything and just let it be! Baby will come when it wants and is ready! Its hard not having control over something like this though
Im having dates, pineapple! Went for a big walk and lost my mucus plug yesterday morning! Been on the ball alittle. Im 40+4 and hospital are trying to get me in for an induction! But i want to do it on my own as ive opted for a nautral birth. Theyyve been stressing me so much i dont think thats helping!
39+4 and tried everything. I walk 3miles daily with dogs, bounce on ball etc . Sweep on Tuesday cervix was open and 2cm dilated but nothing happened! Knowing this has made things worse I think as my head gone into over drive 🤪 Have to be induced a week today I really don’t want to !
My advice would be don’t do it :)! None of those things are proven to work anyway! The best thing you can do is relax so that your oxytocin levels can build up! Try and just enjoy these last few days the best you can, eat the food you want, watch the shows you want, sit in the sun 🥰! Baby will come! I didn’t eat a single date, drink a single cup of raspberry leaf tea or harvest any collustrum as I couldn’t at the time and found it painful during my first pregnancy and my daughter was born at 40+1 vaginally, and only a small tear and I breastfed her successfully for as long as we both wanted! Xx
@Sara this makes me sad! You dont have to have to be induced? The hospital has been trying to force me since 38wks and ive told them no. I dont know why the hospitals are so pushy? Im 40+4 and im willing to go up to 42wks
Im 41 weeks today. Had a failed sweep this morning so now booked in for induction on Monday if no progress over the weekend. I've tried all the old wives tales and nothing has worked. Fed up of being pregnant now!!
Aww hopefully not long @Kerri ! I have a feeling our baby will be a latecomer too
@Chan it’s because of gestational diabetes for induction
@Sara aww ok! It still is a recommedation! You could still say you wanted to wait. Im 40+6 and wanted to give me one from 38wks but ive told them no.
I completely get you I'm 41 weeks. The only thing I'm doing regularly is the dates! As I like them (weird I know). I need to start collecting colostrum and have the confidence in doing it. Have you tried mixing up the raspberry tea and making a mocktail with it?