@Logan definitely an option! have you worked with any of those?
I’ve been making $100-300/mo doing focus groups. It’s actually pretty fun. It’s mostly companies trying to test out their products, a lot of them pay up to $175. A lot of them are marketing related, but there’s some other stuff.
This is the site I mainly use (and an example) but there are other ones out there: https://www.userinterviews.com/projects/L2-LasLetQ/apply?referral_code=YWQzVUsvWkRZN2Y2NitlUHQybEkvajBkOHJ6NitSV3lIZTA5bzZTRU9UVUl1dUJVbml4cFN6a3MwcURJQnE1aXhMOWZwOFhVRWQ0RXYzanVnMTVvY3c9PS0tRnNhd3VIOExwdy83WmxQZG5hc3J6QT09--616131e732dd880393ecd38c4e2e8a376d9a3661
@Shelsy yes I used to do both with my son. I would start early in the morning and get us home well before noon. whenever my partner could watch him I would go and try to do a couple of orders too.
If you have a specific skill such as web design you could go on Upwork and freelance during your free time
Hi Shelly. After my son was born I started in the financial industry as a wealth & life planner. It gives me flexibility and I can take care of my house and son and also make some money. If you want to know more, my agency is hiring and they give all the training necessary.
shipt or instacart. you can grocery shop and deliver with your baby.