I went into labor at 37+5 days . I pumped, did yoga to induce labor, and drank lots of red leaf tea . But this was my second so my labor was very quick
I went into labor at exactly 39 weeks I did the yoga ball and 3 cups of raspberry leaf tea the day before and my labor was so fast!
I went into labor technically at 39+5, but had him exactly on my due date. Only thing I did was pump to get contractions going and I did daily exercise on the yoga ball to open my pelvis up, which I don't feel like helped because he still wouldn't get into position 😭
This was baby #6 and she was born on her due date. Baby #5 was born at 41w3d
37+6. Went to my appointment that morning and I wasn't dilated. I went to work after then went home. I pumped then spent 20 minutes on a yoga ball when my water broke. Had him the next day.
What do you all mean when you say you pump?
I was in early labor the evening of 39+5, went in to the hospital with contractions 3-5 minutes apart the evening of 39 +6, and had my beautiful boy at exactly 40 weeks!
40+1 :)
FTM, ~41+4
I had a scheduled c-section at 37 week,due to my heart condition
I went into labor at 39+5 (second) and 41 with first
I was 38 weeks and 6 days when my water broke and had no contractions on the way to the hospital. This was 5 days before my planned csection.
I went into natural labor 2 days before my due date! Lots of walking, red raspberry leaf tea, yoga hip rolling and rocking, stretching, inversion stretching. Started at 37 weeks and went into labor at 39+5!