@Claire my midwife is seeing me on Tuesday when i’ll be 41 weeks and she’ll book me in for an induction - like you i’m trying all the old wives tales to start something but I feel like its never going to happen!
@Kay thank you for sharing - it always feels like you’re the only one when you’re going through it so its reassuring when others share their stories!
40+5 and had my first sweep yesterday, had no signs of anything happening tofay. Giving it 48 hours to get things moving and got induction booked for Saturday. Tried everything to bring on labour naturally but she’s just super comfy!
Yeah im 41+1. Still feeling quite comfortable. My first baby was born at 42 weeks after a 5 day long induction.
Yeppp feeling exactly the same and I'm 41/+2!! No signs of anything, I've resigned myself to accepting that she's probably only gonna come with induction now which I have scheduled for 41+5 but I really didn't want :-(
I’m the same!! 40 + 5 and he is so high 😭
I had my baby last Friday but there was honestly no signs for me before! She stayed in my ribs right up until I was ready to push (she’s quite long)! I lost my plug at 4pm on the Friday and she was born at 11! Just sharing as don’t feel disheartened it can all start and progress quickly with no signs before! Hope you have your baby in your arms soon! Xx
I'm 42 now and baby still comfy. They come when they're ready (they say)...
@Louise are they pushing for you to have induction and if so, how are you dealing with that?
Had no signs then went into spontaneous labour exactly 41 weeks!
Yep, I’m feeling this too. Got an induction booked at 41 weeks as I don’t like the stillbirth rates after 41 weeks but really hoping he decides to make a natural entrance in the next 6 days!!!