I just had twins 🤍 I should still be pregnant but my little boys wanted to make their appearance early. Went from 1 to 3 very fast 😭 but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Congratulations 💕
Pregnant with #2 due in Nov!
Pregnant with #2 due in December(:
15 weeks due in December a week before my daughter turns 2!
@Jenna no way!!! Eeeep how crazy if we’re pregnant together again! 🤪 I was going to tell you soon too 😂
@Kaitlyn omgggggg twin boys! That is so cool 🥹 congrats! How was a twin pregnancy compared to a single?
@Diana congrats! ☺️ do you know the gender yet?!
I had a chemical pregnancy in March and now we’re going to try for baby number 2 when my son is 2.5! So excited! I wish i could be pregnant right now but i still need to lose weight from my first pregnancy 😂🙃
Pregnant with #2 and due on the 22nd of this month.
I got pregnant again almost right away (quite a surprise!) and my second just turned 6 months yesterday. He came a month early so he and his sister are less than a year apart. 🥴 It’s been a lot but so rewarding as they are now starting to be super interested in each other. It melts my heart! Best of luck with your pregnancy!!!
@Abby yes it’s a girl
@Abby crazy complicated & I was over it by like 28 weeks 😂 I had weekly appointments starting at 20 weeks which turned into 2 appointments a week & got admitted a few times. & I was just swollen & tired from chasing a 1yr old around 😭Made it to 35 weeks & was able to push them both out 🤍 & thank youuuu
Pregnant with #2, due in December
Pregnant again and due in September!
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Trusted by 5M+ women
Omg abby! I was thinking about you the other day! Currently pregnant with baby #2! Due 2 days after layla turns 2 on January 17 😅 congratulations!!
We just found out we were pregnant! Due march 9th 💗
@Abby yes that will be so fun!! Fingers crossed
@Sam awww yay! So exciting! 🤩 How is your pregnancy so far compared to your daughter?!
It's pretty much the same! I think the only difference is that I had really bad nausea in the first couple of weeks. But then I switched to gummy prenantals as opposed to pills. Felt better afterwards! I'm hoping for another girl 🥹
#2 due early August💗💗 I’m not ready for another newborn but tired of being pregnant 😭😩
I am so ready to have baby #2! I got my IUD removed in April and I am TERRIFIED it’s going to take longer then a year for me to get pregnant. with my first we tried for 2-3 month and got pregnant and I’m hoping within the next couple month I’ll be pregnant with our next baby!
I just had baby #2 3 weeks ago!
@Sam that makes sense! I know prenatals make so many woman feel bad! I’ve always been a gummy girl and never had any issues 😅
18 weeks due in November
Omgggg yes!! Im due in Sept and it’s a other boy for us! (: congratulations 💕🥺
I’m pregnant again aswell due in February I am 6 weeks and 5 days
@Dajia so exciting! I’m almost 6 weeks as well! Due March 5th :)
@Abby that’s the day before my birthday
@Jenna awwww 🥰 mine is March 22nd! I’m so excited to be having a March baby!!
Omg congrats!!! I’m trying again in August to get pregnant 🤞🏼