Once 12 week scan shows all OK, had 2 pervious losses and a 6 month LG x
I told my boyfriend after he got home from work the day I found out. We miscarried in April this year so we are waiting until 12-16 weeks to tell friends and family this time round xx
I woke him up on the sofa, as I was 4 days and didn't think it would ever be positive after 15 months of trying! I've told my best friend and so has he, we are going to tell his parents next week after our early scan x
Ahh lovely!! We have booked an early scan too for 7 weeks. Hoping I am actually 7 weeks then though, need to see the heart beating for reassurance 😂🫢
Awww yes, I am super excited to tell my family too once I know all is ok. They also know about our struggle to concieve! They have lovely ideas on etsy - from scratchcards to tshirts. 😀
He's the one that did the test for me, so I wouldn't be disappointed. We told others that we were trying, and once I did have a bfp, we told close family and the others later.