Pls read me - Just pissed (chores, crying baby!!)

I’m (insert swear word) pissed!!! Around 10:30, tried to put my 15 month old to sleep for an hr. Didn’t work. He was nursing and running around the bedroom. It’s 11:30 and I need to clean the kitchen and throw out the trash. My plan was to put my baby to sleep then do the errands. Didn’t go as planned because he was WIDE AWAKE! By 11:30pm I stepped out the bedroom and started to throw out the trash (it’s kind of a process) and my 15 month old is following me around and I don’t want to hold him because my hands are dirty and it will slow me down (and will probably piss me off more!!!) He sees me leave the house three times ( to throw out the trash) and it really upsets him 😢 Then I go wash the dishes which I left in the sink for two days. I gave him some milk to drink from a cup. He was good for a few minutes then he starts to cry more and more. And now I’m just getting really PISSED!! And I feel like I’ve failed as a mom :( I feel like I find myself in this position often where I’m SOOOO SCARED TO DO TASks/CHORSE around the house because I don’t want to keep hearing him cry and cry and cry and cry and looking up with my with sad eyes ( no tears though, usually) and also it’s mentally exhausting from emotionally regulating. there are times when I try to rationalize with him. Ask him questions like “why are you crying!?” Or say loudly “MOM GAVE YOU SOME TOYS THERE TO PLAY WITH!!!” GRRRRRRRRR that’s when I know I am MAD!!!! 😡😡😡 It felt like it went on for an hour but it was for 30 or so minutes. After I washed the dishes he just sat on my lap and tried to bond with him but it wasn’t as long as I’d like it to be. Ps: his dad is home but he is sick resting with back pain. Please comment, I can’t be the only one whose experience this… how do you guys handle situations like this. Sometimes this also happens while my husband is working and it’s just me and him and just impossible/ hard to get tasks done 😭😭
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