@Kirsty omg not long for you now then! 🥰 good luck with everything 🥰 bet you can’t wait. They’ve got me in a week early at 39 weeks xx
They brought my date back a little due to previous 3 c sections so I'm high risk xx
I’m due on the 9th but going to be induced by 39 weeks if she’s not already here. Currently making a decision on if I’d rather a c section or induction and I’m not sure which to pick. Any advice on how you choose c section?
C-section scheduled for August 5th unless she comes earlier! ❤️ @Katie there’s a high chance if you go through induction as a first time mum under 40 weeks it will end with interventions and be traumatic (not every time of course but it is likely). Was induced with my first and it took 5 days then ended in emergency c-section so opting for the elective this time!
I’m due the 12th of Aug & should be having a planned c section at 39 weeks, hoping I’ll get a date soon 🤞🏼 . I was induced at 41+6 with my first and ended up with an emergency c section due to her size/ awkward positioning, so they’ve agreed that a planned section is the best option for us with no 2, as they’re also measuring big. X
@Katie I chose because my last natural birth experience I was in Labour for 39 hours and found it quite traumatic. Lost a lot of blood and had to stay in and have x rays of my heart because apparently it was going crazy. So must have caused a lot of strain, I don’t want to risk that again. That and the stories of being induced can take days sometimes and didn’t sound very pleasant and if it did end up that way and ended up with emergency c section anyway that would be more traumatic. I’d rather have it planned, be mentally prepared for what’s coming, knowing roughly what’s coming and how long it will take, then having to go through the painful contractions again. This time I’m measuring with a big baby so I don’t want to have the risks of complications either which they told me could happen. I’m still nervous about the c section cause it’s the unknown but l think it’s the right decision for me and baby x
I’m booked in for C-Section on the 5th August! It’s getting so close now!
Also scheduled for a c-section on Monday 5th August! Have bought lion 🦁 themed things so hopefully he makes it to Leo season too! Xx
My c section is also booked for 2nd August!🩷
I have my c section booked for the 26th July! Il be 38+5. :) Extremely nervous but so excited ! X
Yeah my due date is the 3rd August I'm having a planned c section on the 19th of this month I will be 37 weeks and 6 days xx